My wife spent a long time working as a wedding coordinator. These are some of the special gifts that I heard about from her. First, you should follow one of the important rules of giving a wedding gift if you are going to give a physical gift.
Buy something off of the registry! There are too many people that purchase gifts that they think that the bride and groom could use. If they wanted this gift, they would have registered for it in the first place.
If the bride and groom are paying for the wedding themselves, why don't you offer to pay for one of the aspects of the wedding? This is a special gift that allows the bride and groom more room in their budget. They might use this to save money, or to pay a little more for something else that they wanted, but could not afford.
Reasonably priced aspects that you might be able to afford (on an average person's budget might include the wedding cake, the groom's tux rental, candles, chair covers or sashes, guest gifts, or the coursages for important women at the wedding. Depending on where the bride and groom are going for their hunnymoon, you might want to get them a specific gift card for that trip. When my wife and I went to Las Vegas for ours, a few of our guests got us gift cards for the hotel that we were staying at.
Some gave us gift cards for restaurants that are only in Las Vegas and might ahve been out of our price range without these gifts. There ahve been a few cases in which the bride or the groom lost a family member to breast cancer or some other disease or condition. Guest that give donations to certain charities as a gift will be remembered for a long time in these couple's thoughts.
Careful thought should be given to selecting a gift for a new bride. When a bride has hundreds of items listed on her registry, it can be hard to decide what to give her. Fortunately, most online registries update when an item has been purchased from the list.
The key is to make sure your gift is thoughtful, sincere and from the heart. Some beautiful wedding gift ideas for a bride are: 1. Appliances 2.
Barware 3. Couple's massage 4. Lingerie 5.
Spa gift certificate 6. Jewelry 7. A book that will make her laugh 8.
Honeymoon gift 9. Bed and bath items 10. Gift basket 11.
Home decor 12. Food processor 13. Engagement memories 14.
Tool set 15. Story of her fiance's family Source:
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.