When my son was a year old, he opened the Similac Powered milk and tipped it upside down on his head. It was an unbelievable sight and the hardest part was to get it out of his ears!
Ok well she did this with 2 bugs at 2 different times, I can only remember this one right now. She was like 2. She found herself an ant.
She named it Ant. She was playing with it in the dirt when she brought it in the house and said it was dirty and so she went to go clean it in the sink. She started crying.My first thought was, Oh my gosh it was a red ant and it hurt her.
Of course the ant went down the drain. She was just crying and I was asking her what was wrong and all she could say was "Ant go bye-bye" While she was pointing to the drain. Awww, lol, she is so cute.
She is my niece by the way, not my baby.
She freaked out and started crying. Shoot I would freak out to. She ran to her daddy, he was on the roof working and was crying her eyes out, screaming "I touched a bug I touched a bug".
My boyfriend and I went to see what the bug was. A FAT WHITE TICK.Scary.It did not even look like a tick anymore. She kept crying because she was scared, and said "I thought it was a balloon.
" Aww. She was sooo scared. I thought it was kind of cute because she thought it was a balloon.
And I have to admit it kind of did look like a balloon with no air in it.
Your daughter is cute. If I didn't see the video I would have never believed that she was sleep jumping! You should send that to America's funniest home videos.My 17 month old son calls our puppy 'googril' (good girl) and tells her to sit by pointing at her and grunting.
We really should record it, it's pretty funny.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.