What Is The Story Of Metal Gear Solid? Do I Need TO KNow IT Before Playing Metal Gear Solid For? Thanks?

Well to explain the bare bones of the games before it.... Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - 1964: a man named John (who goes by Jack) is codenamed Naked Snake and his mentor, the Boss, defects to the USSR and he must assassinate her and her former unit to clear up the US's name and he also has to destroy a prototype weapon called the Shagohod to. Prevent nuclear war. He succeeds on both fronts and later finds out that the whole thing was a setup by the US government just to have the Boss killed because her political charisma was too dangerous.

Snake is awarded the title of Big Boss for overcoming her. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - 1970: Snake, who has not yet accepted his new title due to his belief that he has not surpassed the Boss, has been dealing with some minor PTSD and guilt after killing the Boss and realizes he was being used as a political tool. He's captured by members of his former secret military unit, FOX, and taken to the San Hieronymo Peninsula.

He escapes with a former Green Beret named Roy Campbell and they slowly form a large unit of their own. Going against a large PMC (private military corporation) called Army's Heaven, led by a man called Gene, Snake defeats them and uses their funds to form a new unit out of his own men and the remains of Army's Heaven - which he names Foxhound. In the intervening years, he and several others who were involved in Operation Snake Eater form a group called The Patriots, which they believe will fulfill the Boss's will.

At some point, Snake falls into a short coma and, unknown to him, his DNA is taken and used for experiments. When he finds out, he becomes angry and leaves the Patriots. Eventually, after a couple more years, he meets a man named Kazuhira Miller (who goes by Kaz) and they decide to join forces and build up a unit of their own.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - 1974: Snake and Kaz have formed a PMC that they called Militaries Sans Frontieres. Snake finds an audio tape of a voice that sounds like the Boss, which is given to him by a professor in Columbia who seems to be working for the KGB. He eventually finds out about the Peace Walker Project - an AI simulation of the Boss meant to have her knowledge and sent out tactical nuclear deterrents when needed.

Eventually, Snake defeats the people responsible and destroys Peace Walker, building a nuclear weapon of his own with its parts. He finally accepts the title of Big Boss. However, one of their agents turned out to be a spy for the Patriots and hijacks Big Boss's weapon.

She ends up escaping and the game ends with Big Boss declaring his own military nation free of government ideology - Outer Heaven. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes - 1975: The double agent and another person affiliated with Big Boss were recovered by a mysterious unit called XOF and interrogated for various informations. Meanwhile, the UN is going to inspect Outer Heaven to make sure they have no nuclear weapons, so they hide their weapon.

Big Boss goes to Cuba to retrieve the prisoners from XOF at a place called Camp Omega. Despite the mission being a success, Big Boss finds out that the UN inspection was a ruse and that XOF used his time away to coordinate an attack on Outer Heaven, which is destroyed. During the battle, Big Boss gets into a helicopter accident and falls into a long coma.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 1984: Big Boss wakes up and swears revenge on XOF and the Patriots, picking up the remains of what was left of Outer Heaven and forms a unit called Diamond Dogs.

Well, if you haven't played ANY of the others... then you;'ve missed A LOT. In a nutshell, Big Boss fought his teacher Boss. He killed her but discovered that there was some big elaborate conspiracy going on and she was destined to die.

He didn't like that and he and his friends broke off and formed outer heaven.... you should really just, either, play the originals or read the lore online.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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