The biathlon sports and especially the 7.5km relay is a favorite. Each athlete is at maximum fitness in both body and mind. While it is a very personal sport this activity is a team competition.
2010 Olympic Hockey and Olympic women's hockey by far. These women are some tough chicks! If you have never watched women's hockey, you have got to see at least one game, and you will be hooked!
Speaking of Olympic women's hockey, props go out to Team USA and Natalie Darwitz for another win this week and completing the preliminary rounds in Vancouver undefeated!
Aw man, I'm WAY into Shawn White and the Mens Snowboarding Halfpipe! I like the ladies too, but Shawn makes it look easy!
Olympic Snowboarding Half-Pipe both Men and Women. I still cannot believe what they can do and so high up in the air. And when they fall they simply get up and try again.
I could never do that!
Since I'm Canadian, Hockey is by default the event I've focused on the most. We've been talking about this tournament for years, and debating the roster for months. But it's not really fair to just answer hockey, since I follow it year round.As far as a sport that I would only watch during the Olympics goes, I'd have to say short-track speed skating.
The skill of those skaters is fantastic, and their ability to perform at such a high level, while battling other skaters for position around the rink, is a sight to watch. The ski and snowboard cross comes a close second as well, for much the same reasons.
Snowboard X! Watched a few races on the TV in the gym and realized just how out-of shape and uncoordinated I am!
I really enjoy watching the men's luge. It is super fast, the outfits look cool, and I like seeing the split times for each run.
I like snowboarding, it is the best.
Your favorite olympic sport at the 2010 winter olympics is (without quotes):.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.