The language most commonly spoken in Hawaii is English. You will hear the Hawaiian language used with English words but most people speak English.
The amount of language they speak in Africa are estimated to be 2,000 languages. There are six major linguistic categories spoken in Africa.
The main language in Australia is English, but there are other cultures such as French, Russian, German and Italian.
The language they speak in Brazil is officially Portuguese. They also speak Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, and English in Brazil, however.
I was able to spend a couple of weeks in Denmark two years ago, it's a wonderful country! The official language of Denmark is Danish. Denmark is located in Northern Europe and has a population of 5.5 million residents.
The official and most spoken language in England is English. It is slightly different from the language spoken in USA. But in England there are many people from other countries(immigrants) that speak their own language like Spanish, German, French, Chinese etc.
In Finland the official language is Finnish and Swedish, but the recognized regional language is Sami. Finland is located in northern Europe.
I'm planning a trip to France next year with some friends, I can hardly wait. The official language of France is French. France has approximately 65 million residents.
The language they speak in India is However, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi,and Assamese, are also spoken there.
Japan is an absolutely stunning place. Japan is an island country that is located in East Asia with an estimated population of roughly 127 million people. The official language of Japan is Japanese.
The language that they speak in Kenya is English as well as Swahili also called Kiswahili. Swahili is important, especially if you visit outside of the urban areas, and it is recognized in most of Africa. With the diversity that exists in Kenya, there are many tribal or ethnic languages. You can find more information here:
The official language of Norway is Norwegian. Norway is a beautiful country that is located in Northern Europe. It has an estimated population of approximately 5 million residents.
Pakistan, technically named the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is located in South Asia. The official language spoken in Pakistan is called Urdu.
Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is located in Central Europe. Poland has an estimated population of roughly 38 million people, the vast majority of which speak Polish.
In russia, there are several languages that are spoken with Russian and English taking the top two. As with any country though, there are also several dialects that are also spoken.
The official language of Sweden, or the Kingdom of Sweden, is Swedish. Sweden is a Nordic country located in Northern Europe. It has an estimated population of 9 million people.
Thailand is a country that is located in the heart of Southeast Asia. The official language of Thailand is Thai and it is spoken by the majority of its estimated 63 million residents.
Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey, is an Eurasian country. Turkey has an estimated population of approximately 75 million people and their official language is Turkish.
The language that is Barbado's language is Portuguese.
The language that is Sumba's language is Indonesian.
The language that is Rotterdam's language is Western Frisian.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.