What Makes Great Pita Bread?

Pita bread has become increasingly popular in the U.S. in recent decades, and it's easy to see why. It's an uncommonly versatile bread, lending itself easily to dipping, snacking on its own, or as part of a sandwich. Many pita varieties contain pockets, which make potential sandwich variations with this Mediterranean staple bread almost limitless.

Whether wheat or white, great pita bread should feature toasted spots and a light dusting of flour, with an evenly cut pocket. Wheat pita bread will often feature stone-ground specks of whole grain, while white pita will have a cream-colored appearance. Both varieties should appear somewhat moist and soft.

The best wheat pita bread will boast a moderate to pronounced aroma intensity, revealing notes of toasted nut, grain, and wheat when you closely smell it; a pronounced level of wheat should carry over into its flavor. White pita's aroma intensity will remain moderate, and its mix of aromas and flavors should work well together. A low ... more.

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