Can you freeze pita bread? Krogers has pita bread 10 packs for $10.00 can I stock up and freeze it?

Yes you can! I freeze pita bread and Naan bread all of the time. Freezing any dense bread should work well.

Just be very careful about freezer burn. Thawing is the most important part. Place the bread in a plastic bag and leave it on the counter to thaw.

The bag will "recycle" the moisture that escapes as the bread thaws to ensure that it tastes fresh and maintains it's origional texture.

Definately! I would put it in freezer bags or wrap it in freezer paper to avoid freezer burn before all the bread is consumed. When you thaw it, take it out of the wrapper for about 15 min.So it doesn't get soggy.

Then put it in fresh wrapping.

Kroger might let you buy less than 10 (i.e. 5 for 5.00) for a 1.00 if you have a Kroger Plus card. My local baker taught me to put fresh baked bread in a paper bag,not plastic,and place it into the freezer.

Then let it thawl 2/3 hrs at room temp before serving and it will taste as fresh as the day you bought it. Works great with fresh french bread,nice crunchy crust and soft dough inside,think it will work the same with pita bread.

Pita bread is one of those foods that we have in our freezer in case of emergencies... it freezes really well and comes back to life with a quick zap in the microwave, and then toasted under the grill....

Yes, but we recommend enjoying it fresh! If you are not going to eat the bread within 48 hours you should freeze it. It is best to freeze it as close to fresh as possible.

If you buy 2 bags and only intend to use 1 right away freeze the 2nd bag the day you purchase it. Pita Bead can be frozen up to 2 months or refrigerated up to 7 days.

Our family is from India and thus we consume a lot of breads in the Pita family. Naturally we try to buy as much as we can when it is on sale. Here are the steps we use to freeze the bread and use it when required: 1.

We buy wax paper and put sheets in between each piece of bread. It keeps the freezer burn away and makes it easy to remove one or two pieces when necessary instead of the whole package. 2.

When removing from the freezer, they must be thawed out at room temperature. However, you can sprinkle a few drops of water on them and throw them in the microwave to thaw out...this way the bread does not dry out and it thaws quickly. 3.

We generally heat these types of bread up on a stove stop flat pan. A few drops of water on both sides helps to insure that they do not dry out when being heated for consumption. Hope that helps somewhat...

Yes you can freeze pita bread. I freeze them all the time for later use.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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