What other email program can I use other than Outlook Express?

Yesterday I did some sort of upgrade in Internet Explorer (which was stupid because I don't even use it, I'm more of a Firefox guy) and ever since then I've had problems with browsers showing images and Outlook Express isn't even working at all. I can get no emails in or out. I've done a couple of System Restores but it hasn't helped.

I'm about to call Dell's help desk to see what they can suggest but in the meanwhile, I'm looking around to see what else I can use to handle our emails for our website business. Asked by duhaussie 48 months ago Similar questions: email program Outlook Express Computers > Internet.

Similar questions: email program Outlook Express.

Thunderbird Since you like Firefox, Thunderbird is a great option, made by the same people. Checkout the features, mostly comparable to OE if not having more features. Plus you don't have all the gaping security holes and problems that come with using OE..

Outlook, Thuderbird, and others Outlook is different from Outlook Express and will work better. However, you mentioned you are a Firefox guy...Mozilla has an email app called Thunderbird. download.mozilla.org/?product=thunderbir... It's much better than Outlook except for the use of calendars.... There are many other clients that people will try and show you, but Mozilla is the way to go... Otherwise, you have Endora which can be used on MAC and Windows .

Thunderbird is to Firefox, what Outlook Express is to Internet Explorer. Like Firefox, Thunderbird is open source, more secure and has a ton of features. Configuration and use is as easy or easier then Outlook Express is, and I'm not aware of anything you might miss in using it.

The full description of features can be found at: mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/features.html" rel="nofollow">mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/features.html The download is available at: mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/ For the ability to control your email and the look and feel of the product, it can't be beat. Plus it's a pretty light program to use, is well supported by the community, and is free! Hope that helps!


" "I got new computer, has windows 7. No outlook express. How do I get outlook express?

I love it for my email. " "microsoft outlook express 2000" "where can I buy microsoft outlook, the email software?" "I want to bring my address book from a Desktop PC to a Laptop. Both computers use Outlook Express as E-mail-program.

" "Email program (Outlook Express) sends two copies when using the 'bcc:' function, any idea how to stop it?" "Outlook email formatting" "For no reason that I can come up with, my email program (Outlook 2003) quit operating coorrectly. Help?

I got new computer, has windows 7. No outlook express. How do I get outlook express?

I love it for my email.

I want to bring my address book from a Desktop PC to a Laptop. Both computers use Outlook Express as E-mail-program.

For no reason that I can come up with, my email program (Outlook 2003) quit operating coorrectly. Help?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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