This is an extremely racist comment, I mean, I'm not African American, but I'm offended You're assuming all Africans are out to rape, when indeed there are rapists of all races. Keep in mind that the media can be biased as well. Please look up your statistics before you make ludicrous statements.
FINE, if they are facts, show me, GIVE ME PROOF Found some proof on U.S. census 5.3k Black forced rapes, and 10.6 White forced rapes What did we learn? ALL UNRELIABLE SOURCES, I thought we were talking about rape, and the rate only SEEMS bigger because it's a percentage. Thanks for the thumbs down, I see its hard to accept the validity of the U.S. Census And for the other guy, keep in mind that europeans were emmigrants too.
With the help of the French, the British Colonists broke away from Britain. These colonists killed their British adversaries and their allies, the Iroquois. At least when Mexicans come "illegaly," they don't go on a killing spree... I find that these "illegals" are willing to do work that some people may think as degrading.
The United States has taken advantage of Mexican labor massively, especially under the Mexican President Portfolio Diez. These are hard working people, looking to feed their children, while we sit on our asses playing CoD...
Maybe that depends on what part of the United States you live in. I don't really think that the term 'minority' applies that much. Persons of color would be more appropriate.
There are Lots of folks from other nationalities who are in this country,. Kinda like Way back when all of us Caucasions started coming to the Americas. Lots of different Indian tribes here before We got here.
Maybe you'd be happier in a country of all Caucasion folks. Then you wouldn't have the African Americans to be concerned about. But then you'd have to be watchful of all the Other Caucasians who are committing rapes and murders.
You see - where I live - there are also Tons of Mexicans -- both legal and illegal one's at That. And considering the fact that there are aprox. 11 million of them in this country - here illegally.
So...... Merry Christmas to All people groups -- whatever color you are :-) (Maybe we should be sure we are here Legally and willing to speak English).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.