These are some great hair cuts for curly hair : 1. You can have it cut in layered. This is a great options for it will help eliminate a part of the weight of your curly locks so as to use the curly formation to your advantage.
This type of haircut will also ensure that the hair is not in one length so that some bulk will be taken off. If you like this type of cut you can have your hair long or short.
Another option is to try long flowing curly haircuts. I think this is the one you want, to have a long and cascading curls. This will look appealing never goes out of fashion.
These are attractive, cool, and very quick and easy to care for. This is an ideal haircut for women today who have to work and look after their family too. For those women who are always on the move.
Shags and bobs are short curly hair cuts that will give you a nice shape right down to the curly tresses and accentuates the curls too.
The best tips for someone with curly hair is first and foremost, atleast get your hair trimmed to remove any dead ends. You may also want layers cut into your hair. If your hair is all one length the curls will not spring, as well.
Talk to your beautician, she can give you some valuable advice. I believe long hair looks great for curls, but as I mentioned, dead ends or stringy hair does not look good. If you get your hair cut too short you will not be able to see the curls.
The best cut would be shoulder length or longer. Some more tips for curly hair include deep conditioning and blow drying with a diffuser. This will disperse the heat evenly and allow your curls to pop.
Prior to drying, I always use Tresemme mousse. In my opinion, it is the best. Good luck!
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