What type of pizza does the Straight from New York Pizza offer in Salem Oregon?

Everyone loves pizza and sometimes finding really great pizza can be a challenge. And most of the time everyone likes different toppings and some can be hard to find. Straight From New York Pizza located in Salem, Oregon solves that problem by offering 14 different types of pizza to satisfy whatever you are craving at the time.

You can choose from a certain topping such as cheese, pepperoni or sausage or you can choose from special combinations. Some of the special combinations are the Brooklyn that has sausage, mushrooms, olives and bell pepper on it. Or you can choose the Cyrpess ll pie that is topped with pepperoni, mushrooms and olives.

You can order pizza by the whole pie or by the slice. They do not offer Italian dishes but they do have salads, wings, calzones, breadsticks and beverages available. You can view their full menu here sfnypizza.com.

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