Wow, it's strange that both of your cooking disasters happened at Thanksgiving, because that's where my story takes place too! I'm not much of a cook, or I wasn't until recently, so I'm going to steal a cooking disaster from my mom. I was there, in Pennsylvania, with all of my immediate and extended family.My mom took on the task of cooking the turkey, while one of my uncles prepared the other dishes.
My mother decided to cook the turkey on the grill, as this is the way she finds it the best-tasting. One moment I was chilling in the kitchen, waiting for the feast to be ready, and the next, my mom comes in the room, very flustered. She described that the turkey had burst into flames and was completely charred on the outside.
Not to mention she burned most of her eyebrows off! This was shocking, but everyone started laughing about it after a while.My mom felt bad that she ruined the Thanksgiving turkey, but we salvaged what we could of it. It was the strangest yet most eventful Thanksgiving I've ever taken part in.
To this day, my family makes fun of my mom for burning the turkey to a crust!
Funny you should mention Thanksgiving for cooking disasters! That was one of my most memorable cooking disaster days. It was our first Thanksgiving and I realllly wanted it to be perfect, for us and for our families.. I was an unexperienced cook but figured I could handle it.It started out B A D.
My husband was trying to help me in the kitchen in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner. I had rinsed the turkey (looking at it made me nervous). That should have been a clue.
When I put my hand inside the turkey and touched the bag inside, I became so overwhelmed, I passed out! The next thing I remember was my husband asking me "what happened?" I had never had my hand inside of a dead bird, finding a weird bag, and it was just TOO much!
IT gets worse. My husband prepared the turkey and I prepared fresh peas and potatoes. I didn't put enough water in the pans and the peas and potatoes caught fire.
We were welcoming our guests and by the time the smoke alarm went off, the pans were aflame on the stove! We ate Thanksgiving Dinner out that year.
Wow, it's strange that both of your cooking disasters happened at Thanksgiving, because that's where my story takes place too! I'm not much of a cook, or I wasn't until recently, so I'm going to steal a cooking disaster from my mom. I was there, in Pennsylvania, with all of my immediate and extended family.
My mom took on the task of cooking the turkey, while one of my uncles prepared the other dishes. My mother decided to cook the turkey on the grill, as this is the way she finds it the best-tasting. One moment I was chilling in the kitchen, waiting for the feast to be ready, and the next, my mom comes in the room, very flustered.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.