She needs a co-host to compliment her superior intellect. How about "Beavis and Palin"?
I am suggesting this title as a way of helping the show be more successful and in no way intend to have this suggestion reflect my opinion of Sarah Palin or reality television..sooo..I suggest, "I Can See America with Sarah Palin" A bit of a jibe at herself and the "I can see Russia from my house" quote would go a long way to helping her attract and actualize the "other side of the aisle" as viewers to her program. I think that this modest but informative show title would be something that would help out in forming a more intelligent perceived profile by her detractors and also bring her fans and supporters to her show with the honestly and foresight implied by the wording of the title. The connection in the titles equation is key here."I Can See America" .... "With Sarah Palin" I think implies that a viewer of the program could or would like to actually see America with Sarah Palin as playing a larger and larger role in national politics and the newsy show title reminiscent of programs like "Nightline w/ Tom Brokaw" in the other way of reading the title "I Can See America w/Sarah Palin" lends her show an integrity akin or parallel to some of the great news shows with similar titles.
From Here You Can See Russia" A zany reality show in which ten Russian men live in Sarah and Todd's house and are voted out each week. The men will go through such tests as babysitting and snowmobile racing. The winner will receive one million dollars and the Governorship of Alaska.
This is going to sound strange because I like her as a woman, but not as a politician. I would call it, I Am Not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader Show, or Can't Remember Sh.
Palindrone would be my choice - a play on words and also highly descriptive. A palindrome is a word that says the same thing whether you read it backwards or forwards ( a bit like Sarah Palin I think ..cheeky me! ) Drone is a word that can mean a low, continuous, dull noise ( also a bit like Sarah Palin ...on and on...and buzz drone drone... ) Therefore to make it closer to reality for our reality show let's call it PALINDRONE and someone already made an image we could use for the opening credits!
I'd suggest "Northern Exposure" but I think it's already been done. So, I guess we ought to go with "Rogue en Vogue" or something.
Great suggestions everyone. Here's a couple more. "America, the Average Palin" "You betcha" "Small town, Alaska" "I'll try to finish this, unlike my Governorship" "Son in laws, who needs them?" "Assumptions" "I'll argue with you about nothing, until the Polar Bears get home" "Palin Perseverance, just try to beat me down.
I'll come back atcha with nonsense.
How about this "Coming Home: the sequel to going Rogue" It could be about how she and her family are adjusting to the changes involved in being relatively unknown outside Alaska to becoming well known by almost everyone, loved by some, hated by others. If nothing else, I'd like to see more about everyday life in Alaska, as I've always wanted to visit there. We could go on a Moose hunt, a snowmobile or dogsled ride (or race), we could visit the Oil pipeline, do an episode on all the democratic operatives and their lawsuits, or experiences of the press in Alaska.
Maybe we COULD take a look across the channel and see Siberia or whatever. It may not be for everyone, but there have been some pretty dull politicians, and I can think lots of them that I wouldn't want to watch. Can you imagine watching Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms?
It's best she spend 95% of the time explaining how to resolve issues. " Another title, "Be a handywoman, not a complainer.
How about "Prince William Shore," of Exxon Valdez fame, and hopefully it will coinicide with the cast of Jersey Shore looking for yet another locale next year. That cast would compliment her perfectly. Or "Face Reality, Sarah Palin" featuring mini-sodes of her ever-waining political influence.
Or "Shop Till You Drop With Sarah Palin" featuring Sarah visiting high dollar department stores in search of the most perfect image-damaging articles of clothing a gifts to buy. Kind of a How to get the media to relentlessly lambast you. Or "Palins vs. Osbournes" where each week Kelly battles Bristol, Todd battles Ozzy, and Sarah battles Sharon in matches of wit, brawn, coniving, and whining.
And the season finale is a battle royale where Sarah takes on all four Osbournes in a Iditerod-style dog sled race. I really can't wait for that one.
Running M8 "Hot, Single, Mentally Stable. Pick one! " In this new series on Fox, eight contestants vie for position to become an human accessory for a public figure running for office.
The future possible politician is a mystery behind that frosted glass, yet one can be assured they are old, male, and out of touch with modern society. The winner of the season will go on to be the Running Mate in an unsuccessful bid for public office, leading to photo opportunities with minor celebrities, and rumored relationships with both Paris AND Perez At the same time.
Palin`s useless big head in a bigger state.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.