If you need a boat anchor, then the PC desktop is preferred. If you want to keep working, then the laptop, because it has its own internal supply of power and can keep on operating. However, if the power is out, chances are that the internet signal is out as well, so that somewhat limits what you can do.
On the other hand, a power outage can be a blessing, because it can take you away from internet addicition...
Um...well... That depends on whether you want to use the computer while the power is out. You can use a laptop as long as the battery lasts. You can’t use a desktop at all.
Personally, I have a backup generator so I can use both. Sources: Been there, done that. JBENZ's Recommendations Coleman Powermate 5,500 Watt 11 HP Portable Generator #PMA525500 Used from: $575.00 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .
My Kodak ESP 5 will not work after power outage. Checked, and ports are okay, but says no printer connected. Help?" "What are the concerns of having an electricity (power) generator at home?
Just got the worst outage in years..." "Is it possible to use my propane house fuel to power up a generator during a power outage? If so how would I go about do" "Can I set my Nintendo Wii to get internet from a nearby laptop that picks wirelessly picks up from my desktops router?" "Students with laptops: what are some things you do to take care of / protect your laptop so that it won't get damaged? " "Do most major grocery stores have back-up generators for their freezers & refrigerators in case of power outage?
" "I know uninterrupted power suppies (UPS) are good for desktops...should people have one for laptops, too?" "What 3 things do you really want in an emergency like a prolonged power outage/road closures (assume basics covered)? " "1 laptops on-d-link with DSL through the phone co. Wish to add another laptop help?
I do have a PC also" "What are the things you need to do when experiencing power outage at your house?
My Kodak ESP 5 will not work after power outage. Checked, and ports are okay, but says no printer connected. Help?
1 laptops on-d-link with DSL through the phone co. Wish to add another laptop help? I do have a PC also.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.