I got a Playstation 3 for a dollar at a garage sale about two months ago. To be honest, I almost felt kind of guilty about it too. The garage sale was that of a friend's boss.
He and his wife had recently purchased a new Blu-Ray player because the one that they had purchased only a few months prior to that suddenly quit working. The boss's wife had gone out to Best Buy to find a Blu Ray player, and what she actually came back with was a PS3. This couple is in their fifties, and neither one of them even knew what a Playstation 3 was.
They have a considerable amount of money and did not care to check on the warranty or try to return it to Best Buy. They just went to buy a new Blu Ray player instead. The boss's wife said that she enjoyed watching movies on it, and she liked the fact that she could also play CDs on it, but that one day it just quit working.
When I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. She told me that she was going to throw it in the trash, but she figured someone might know someone who could work on it and fix it. I picked it up for a dollar and went over to a friend's house who had worked on gaming consoles in the past.
When we hooked it up, it worked just fine. We couldn't find a thing wrong with it, and it has been working fine ever since.
The BEST deal I have ever gotten at a garage sale was my desk. It is all wood and well made. It came in 4 large pieces and is a rap around desk, with 2 sets of wheel out drawers that go underneath.
I got the entire set for $5. The people were moving and it was the last day of the garage sale, so they just wanted to get rid of it. The desk is so big I had to make two separate trips with my van to get the whole set.
I had a permanent smile on my face for a week straight just admiring my new desk. I am very cheap and spend alot of time garage sale shopping. I also have an Ebay business and much of what I sell is from garage sales.
I will buy stuff super cheap and turn around and list on Ebay.
When I was in high school, I visited a thrift store in a small town by the name of Napoleon, Michigan. There was a magazine rack in the back that held comic books that they had gotten out of a person's basement. This person was obviously a collector as all of the comics were in plastics.
This was in the late1980s before the collector's phase really hit comic books so the person that owned the store did not know the true value of them. They were marked 5 for $1. I dropped about $15, and the guy told me that I could take extra since I wanted so many.
I got 80 comics from the early to mid 1970s. I still have a few of them, but I have sold most of them off over the years to other collectors (I refuse to sell to comic book shops as I can get more from other collectors). I would say that over the years, I have made about $15,000 off of that original $15 purchase.
I have been back to that thrift store again and again over the years, but never seen a deal like this.
I would have to say my best purchase from the thrift store was a couch. It was still in the plasctic and they had just recieved it from one of the local furniture stores. I paid 80.00 for it, but I knew it was brand new and never used.
I do love going garge saling and we go often we went yesterday and because it was Sunday the lady gave our things to us for .25 and we had two bags of very nice dress clothes and toys for the grandkids. flickr.com/photos/cottonblue/2391611178/ flickr.com/photos/guibdid/4993026757.
I got a nice coat from a thrift store worth a little over $4.5. I got it repaired to fit my size for another $8 which made my total purchase worth $12.50. Upon inspecting the label, I found out it was from Marks and Spencer. I do not go to this store (which is found at first class malls) because I know prices there are high compared to regular stores.
Getting a nice coat for $12.50 is worth it since local brands here usually sell at an average price of $70-$80.
At an estate sale, I got a complete set (8 place settings) of Johnson Bros. English bone china called The Friendly Village for $ 20. I had it appraised, and each dinner plate is valued at $ 25.It is beautiful - I really lucked out!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.