The Dog Breed Info Center ( ) has a nice list of dog breeds that do well in apartments. This list does not allow you to narrow down the breeds based on the other traits you are looking for (low shedding, friendly, quiet). A breed selector can help you narrow down your list by inputting all of this information.
Check out How to Choose a Dog Breed for more help and links to breed selectors.
You will find that barking and friendliness in a dog is determined more by the individual dog than any one breed. As to hair, most small dogs will not have enough hair to worry about shedding. You might check with your local breed rescue organizations.(How to Adopt a Dog can help you find one).
Your best bet is to adopt an older dog. Housebreaking a puppy is very difficult unless you are home all the time. It is also a good way to ensure the dogs behavior.
I have a yorkshire terrier, they are small and very good dogs. They have real hair, not fur, so they do not shed. I would recommend looking into those kinds.
Mine doesn't bark at all, unless someone knocks on the door, which even then it isn't very loud! Goodluck!
I'd have to say a mini Labradoodle (Labrador and poodle). We decided to get one because it doesn't shed (most of them), is very social and easily trainable. After 3 days we had it trained to sit and it knows where its food is stored.
They're also small, playful and when they get to about a year old they can go for a run around the park. Pictures at 8 months old.
Most people don't realize this but pit-bulls are great apartment dogs (we have 2). They are very smart and do need to be exercised regularly (walked and played with). Talk to your local spca shelter and they can give you more information.
The main thing is to keep them occupied while you are gone by creating toys and fun treats. (hide treats in bags, stuff treats in kongs...) of course there are many dogs that work great in apartments, but many small dogs do not.
Dog recommendations are risky. Frankly yelping has a lot more to do with behavioral training than breed in most cases. Shedding is something that can be discussed objectively.
Bichon Frise are "hypoallergenic" and shed very, very little. They are generally even tempered and low maintenance but active and affectionate.
I recommend a beagle. They only shed moderately, and are very quiet dogs. Most dogs smaller than a beagle are going to bark loudly and often.
Furthermore, beagles are not excessively-demanding of exercise, and can be left alone for up to eight or so hours.
We have a boston terrior. He does not shed much, at least not that I notice. Also, he is not a barker.
We live in a home in a covenent controlled community and dog barking is a big no-no. Even if other dogs are barking, he will not bark. He does whine on occasion--like when he wants outside to use the bathroom and no one is paying attention to let him out.
Also, he does well during the day when no one is home. He does not tear up anything or mess in the house. He is happy to either play, go on walks, or just lay next to you on the couch.
I recommend boston terriors to anyone who asks for a good, low matience dog.
Animal planet has a great dog breed selector tool. Answer a series of question regarding activity levels, size, personality traits, etc and they recommend breeds that match.
We've got a bichapoo (Bichon-minipoodle) mix and she would work out great. Poodles or Bichon-type dogs are both hypoallergenic and considered a low shedding dogs. I'd have to agree with barkiness being a behavioral issue.
Don't carry them around everywhere (like Paris' chihuahua) and socialize them when they're young around people and other pets. They'll be less likely to be barky. Also, they all have individual personalities so this may or may not apply to all dogs ;) Coton de Tulear (Bichon-type)
:D )
If you're fixated on a dog, try a beagle mix. They're incredibly loyal, easy to train, and they have very sweet personalities. They don't shed at all, and they only yelp if you step on 'em!
A cockapoo is on the small side and hypoallergenic. I think the main trick is to keep them away from dogs that bark when they're young- they teach each other. I have a chihuahua, who is wonderful and I adore him, but he does "guard" the house and bark whenever there's a noise in the hallway.
Quiet, low activity, not much shedding: 100 Basenji 100 Whippet 98 Affenpinscher 96 French Bulldog 91 Border Terrier 89 Fox Terrier (Wire) 86 Bichon Frise 86 Manchester Terrier (terrier) 83 Ibizan Hound 83 Italian Greyhound Cheers!
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