They are all forms of ritalin (methylphenidrate). The difference is in their rate of release into the body. Ritalin - Short Term: Effective for 3-5 hours Ritalin SR - Intermediate: Effective for 3-8 hours Ritalin LA - Long Term: Effective for 8-12 hours.
The differences between Ritalin, Ritalin LA and Ritalin SR (The three types of Ritalin), is in how long they stay active in the body and their prescription. The Ritalin LA has long term duration in the body and stays effective or active for about eight to twelve hours (8-12 hours). It is usually taken only once a day and the pill or caplet must be swallowed whole with or without water, but cannot be sprinkled on food.
The Ritalin SR is an intermediate extended release form of the drug, methylphenidate, with a duration of three to eight hours in the body. After the time elapse, it becomes ineffective. It should also be taken whole, without breaking or crushing.
The ordinary Ritalin is an immediate release form and can be crushed and sprinkled on food. It has a short duration in the blood and is effective for about 3-5 hours.
The differences between Ritalin, Ritalin LA and Ritalin SR (The three types of Ritalin), is in how long they stay active in the body and their prescription. The Ritalin LA has long term duration in the body and stays effective or active for about eight to twelve hours (8-12 hours). It is usually taken only once a day and the pill or caplet must be swallowed whole with or without water, but cannot be sprinkled on food.
The Ritalin SR is an intermediate extended release form of the drug, methylphenidate, with a duration of three to eight hours in the body. After the time elapse, it becomes ineffective. It should also be taken whole, without breaking or crushing.
The ordinary Ritalin is an immediate release form and can be crushed and sprinkled on food. It has a short duration in the blood and is effective for about 3-5 hours. The differences between Ritalin, Ritalin LA and Ritalin SR (The three types of Ritalin), is in how long they stay active in the body and their prescription.
The Ritalin LA has long term duration in the body and stays effective or active for about eight to twelve hours (8-12 hours). It is usually taken only once a day and the pill or caplet must be swallowed whole with or without water, but cannot be sprinkled on food. The Ritalin SR is an intermediate extended release form of the drug, methylphenidate, with a duration of three to eight hours in the body.
After the time elapse, it becomes ineffective. It should also be taken whole, without breaking or crushing. The ordinary Ritalin is an immediate release form and can be crushed and sprinkled on food.
It has a short duration in the blood and is effective for about 3-5 hours.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.