What's the longest time past expiration that you've eaten canned food?

I tend to stockpile non-perishable dry and canned foods whenever I can based on sales, coupons, and such. Sometimes there is so much that I will be eating some of it well past the expiration date. Some don't even have dates.

It doesn't taste any different and I've never gotten sick. I recently had canned pineapple that expired in 2003. Asked by MacGyver 40 months ago Similar questions: longest time past expiration eaten canned food Food & Drink > Food.

Similar questions: longest time past expiration eaten canned food.

You gambling with your life! I know a person that I use to work with. He worked at a food store part time.

He got all the bargains on expired food or almost expired food. Thought he was saving money. He did this for years.

Then one day they had a sale on dented cans and expired dated cans. As usual he stocked them up to save money. On his day off he decided to have a can of the Clam Chowder soup that he had got as a bargain.

He ate it and three hours later he was dead. The can had a pin hole in it and the air poisoned the soup. If you keep eating out dated food sooner or later it will catch up to you.

Why would you do it? .

The oldest canned food I've eaten didn't *have* an expiration date. It was the fall of 1980, and I was an ROTC cadet on his first field exercise. We were issued enough C-Rations to feed ourselves for the weekend, along with the P-38 can openers.(My P-38 was so tough that it's still on my key ring.) I was starving and exhausted, and used to having had lunch hours earlier, by the time I had the chance to pull out a C-Ration.

True to the demands of the Great God Murphy, we had to move again while I was warming the main course by burning the box it came in. It would be dark before I got to use that shiny new can opener on the mostly-frozen can. Still, when I'd opened the accessory back to get my plastic spoon, I was puzzled by the presence of a 4-pack of Marlboros.

I mean, this was the era when they were beginning to understand secondhand smoke and ban smoking in public buildings. Much later, I learned that cigarettes had been phased out of C-Rations during the Vietnam War. Troops who served early got cigarettes with their meals, and those who served at the end didn't.

So that food had been packed at least a decade before I ate it. I don't recall anything else distinctive about it, so it's within the realm of possibility to be much older -- say, World War II stock? The only things I suffered that weekend were chills, severe exhaustion, and an insect bite that became infected.

I can't think of a rational way to blame any of them on the food. Murstein's Recommendations Pickled, Potted, and Canned: How the Art and Science of Food Preserving Changed the World Amazon List Price: $15.00 Used from: $3.68 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) .

My cousin ate some food a year after the expiration date. He would have been 34, this coming October 16th. Sources: Family history .

I don't think I've ever done that. I'm so paranoid about getting ill, that an expiration date is usually one of the first things I check, before eating or drinking something. I have always wondered, however, why there is an "expiration date" on sour cream..

1 its not canned, its the chocolate I bought years ago...

Its not canned, its the chocolate I bought years ago...

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For the first time in the 18 mos I've had him, my 6-yr old cat is not interested in his wet food the past few days.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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