I have been in the Philippines and I have eaten a "Balut". Balut is a fertilized duck (or chicken) egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside. It is then boiled and eaten in the shell, before drinking the juice inside.It is actually very tasty, but then again quite disgusting.
These pictures are not so disgusting but there are worst. I figured you might just want to have an idea.
The nastiest TASTING thing I ever ate was sea urchin sushi. It's made from the gonads of sea urchins, and apparently it's quite a delicacy in Japan, but a lot of Western people think it's mushy and fishy and oily and *blaarrgghhhh* Excuse me. The grossest looking and feeling thing I've ever eaten was a pickled baby octopus.It didn't taste that terrible, I think, but I'm not really sure because I was so grossed out by the feeling of having a rubbery thing with little tentacles pop in my mouth like an eyeball or something.
And yes, I ate it on a dare. And then there's chitterlings, which is pig intestines, and they smell like pig poo. I refuse to even try to eat those, no matter how good anybody tells me they are.
For me it would be Japanese Nato which is a fermented soy bean dish. I have not eaten Balut but have seen it and yes, there are feathers. I can't get past the concept of what it is to make myself try it though I know many people who say it is quite tasty.
I don't know to many people who describe Nato as tasty.
I guess it would have to be chitterlings or "chittlins" as they are called in my home state of SC. They are fried pig intestines. Of course, they are well cleaned, boiled to kill any bacteria, then fried in deep fat.
If you can get past the smell, they are actually pretty good. They sell them in boxes in grocery stores in the south, so you can cook them up yourself. I've never bought them.
I ate them at the Chittlin' Strut, a festival that is held in October every year when they butcher the hogs.
Believe it or not, the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten was a fruit. The durian fruit is so putrid when ripe. My ex girlfriend's father would eat them like candy, yuck!
I don't know how people can eat it! Even Andrew Zimmern couldn't eat it! He described the taste as, "completely rotten, mushy onions."
Anthony Bourdain said, "Its taste can only be described as...indescribable, something you will either love or despise. ...Your breath will smell as if you'd been French-kissing your dead grandmother. " youtube.com/watch?v=h8M7vn8bkmg youtube.com/watch?v=1PNmuExjlEM.
I think of several things, such as scrambled brains and eggs, but perhaps the worst was sopa de mondongo, as it is called in Costa Rica, also known as or tripe soup, Tripe is the stomach of cattle, which has a rubbery texture. The watery part of the soup was okay, but the rubbery aspect of the stomach is unappealing to say the least. What is the most disgusting is that these pieces of rubber are usually very large, so it takes several minutes to successfully chew it up and swallow it - meanwhile I have a strong urge to throw up while I am diligently chewing it into swallowable portions.
I have eaten it twice, once by choice to try it out and once because it was offered to me by a friend's mother - couldn't refuse it that time. We also occasionally eat fish head soup, which I though was a joke until I got here - watch out for the bones!
Escamoles -Sometimes, in the world of strange ethnic cuisines, ignorance is bliss. Like with hot dogs? Salty delicious mystery meat that we?
Re all better off knowing as little as possible about it? S questionable origins. The same goes for Escamoles, which have the constancy of cottage cheese and taste (according to wikipedia) buttery and slightly nutty.
But what are Escamoles? Sometimes known as insect caviar, Escamoles are actually the larvao is large black ants who make their home in the roots of the agave and maguey plant in Mexico. That?
S right you? Re eating ant eggs. Grossed out?
Well, don? T be? We eat chicken eggs all the time, and people eat fish eggs as caviar, or salmon roe on their sushi, so why not fry up some ant eggs, add a bit of cheese and a daub of guac for a nice ant egg taco.
Ole! Here? S a you tube video that starts with a strangely fitting photo of George W Bush eating a cat (wtf?), and then shows a greasy chef preparing Escamoles and referring to them as?
A delicacy worthy of gods, like the worms of maguey? OMG, they eat worms too. And I used to love Mexican food.
Fried, breaded Okra. It was part of school lunch when I lived in the South. Being from the North, I did not develop a taste for okra as a kid.
This may seem somewhat tame compared to other people's answers, but when I was a kid, all I could think about was how the seeds reminded me of sacs of spider eggs. *shudder.
A cricket covered in chocolate! :) uuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm! :).
A few months ago I took some stale food and did not understand for some time that it was stale. I realized late in the night. The food was a rasam rice.
I think there's something wrong with me, but I HATE banana pudding... gew! BLECH! Everyone in Texas thinks it's mana from heaven but it makes me gag.So I was at a party at my friends house and eveyone brought food.
I happened to walk into the kitchen while my buddies were in there eating, and all I heard was, "oh man... Oh that's so good...Delicious! " "What's up guys? Whatcha eating then?
" says I. Kenny turns and goes, "Here, eat this man!" and, not realizing what they were eating, he pops a ball of sticky rice thickly coated in banana pudding into my mouth. The horror of the concoction in my mouth was immediate.
While throwing up in the sink, my "buddies" were dying from laughing so hard. With friends like this...
People have eaten some pretty funky stuff on this thread... but personally, the most disgusting thing I've yet eaten was fish eggs. My friend in high school really loved sushi (I am not so much of a fan) but she dared me to eat a fish egg once, and... well, let's just say it popped. I was not amused.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.