My bestfriends mom gave us her rice cooker out of nowhere. We accepted the nice offer and brought it home, when we opened it it was filled I with green mold filled rice. It was disgusting and we threw it away.
We have no idea why she did it, but the next day she acted like nothing ever happened.
For my 18th birthday, I got canned air. That's right. My father gave me canned air for my 18th birthday.It wasn't the only gift, but still -- canned air?
To this day, I have no idea why. At least it makes a good story, even if I never used it.
My sister got me a long pyjama shirt for Christmas one year. It was about a size or two too small, red-and-yellow striped, long-sleeved, with a white collar. I looked like a giant Gryffindor-striped egg.
I gave it to Goodwill a year later. It looked like a down-to-the-knees, long-sleeved version of this:
My sister once gave me a bright red T-shirt with mirrors and embroidery all over the front. I liked the red T-shirt OK but couldn't get over the gaudy trim. I figured I could just wear it for a nightshirt, but couldn't even bring myself to wear it around the house.
I kept it a long time because it was a gift but finally gave it to goodwill.
Ianseru, I feel so badly for you. Your moldy rice gift was worse than mine, but I will go ahead and list mine anyway. A family friend gave us some goody food bags for our kids at a party.
I was looking at the food, because I have been to her kids birthday parties before, and been told by her she buys everything on sale, and had this very same problem before! I have no problem with sale items. I do however have a problem when she gave it to my kids, and the items were expired (yes I looked for the expiration date after I tasted the crackers...eeew they were rancid).
Food that is old can kill you. Certain foods like pancake mix or any type of mix that uses leavening, if it's past it's expiration grows toxic mold (and yes people have died from old food). Enough said, it was the worst gift given to anyone in my family.
I'm just glad it wasn't green with mold. I didn't look to hard at it, though. The problem wasn't the gift, it was the fact that our family friend KNEW what she was doing, and was too cheap to purchase good food for the children coming to her URL1 made me quite angry, because it happened repeatedly at her other parties.
As young and extremely excited children, every Christmas eve we were allowed to open one present. The catch was Mom always picked it, and it was always the same thing. Pajamas.
After about three years, we told her "no thanks mom, we'll open our pajama tomorrow with the rest of our gifts. I'm sure she wanted us to have our nice new pajamas on for Christmas morning pictures. Pajamas?
Wow, just what every kid wants.
One year my boyfriend at the time gave me a pressure cooker. I was only 21 years old. I was like...? what am I going to do with this?
So I sold it at my next yard sale, to this date, I still haven't needed one, 12 years later.
About ten tubes of bright pink lipstick, when I was 7 or so years old. All from different relatives. I don't know why you'd want a little girl looking like a ... well.
Looking cheap. It felt so wrong, even then. On the upside, I think I got a toy microphone.
I nearly convinced myself it was real. Nowadays, I've learnt not to expect too much, as it's the thought that counts!
One year I unwrapped a pair of beige fishnet "Y-Fronts" and a box of tampons. I was overjoyed.. lol.
An opened jar of coffee that my grandmother didn't like. True story. Nothing beats my mother failing to thank us for a pretty shawl we bought her one year because "she just didn't know what to say".
Not "Oh, how nice, but not really my colour", but a genuine "words fail me in describing how much I hated your present to me". Thankfully, we're fairly used to it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.