IE the 5 answers for one individual question... Asked by dwdrums 49 months ago Similar Questions: question askville answered basis sorts answers Recent Questions About: question askville answered basis sorts answers Amazon > Askville.
Similar Questions: question askville answered basis sorts answers Recent Questions About: question askville answered basis sorts answers.
Here is how. If you are talking about the period when the question is in voting and not closed yet (i.e. The final rating is not in yet) the answer is that those who TAKE an answer slot first come first, NOT those who submit their answers first.
So, if I hold an answer slot first and submit my answer last my answer will still appear first. If you are talking about AFTER the final rating is in, they are sorted based on their ratings. So, this is what happens... An answer with a higher rating comes before an answer with a lower rating.
In case there is a tie the answerer who took the answer slot first comes first. So, if there are 5 answers with final rating 4.67, 4, 3, 4.67, and 2.5 the two 4.67 stars come first then 4 stars and then 3 stars and after that 2.5 stars. From those 4.67 star answers the one that TOOK the answer slot first (NOT the one that submitted his answer first) comes first.
Sources: experience! Paradise. T's Recommendations Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions Amazon List Price: $4.677 Used from: $4.678 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 24 reviews) .
I think it is based on the order the question slots were "claimed". Consider this example: Suppose someone could grab a slot as soon as a question opened.....4 subsequent people answered and posted a question thereafter in sequential order. Orginal person didn't answer until, let's say, day 5.
That person would be shoved into the number 1 spot, even though they actually answered it last. Hope that makes sense.
2 dwdrums....if you were watching your question answer actually posted first.....but paradiset had claimed a slot first, so when paradiset's answer was posted mine got bumped into the second slot....:) .
Dwdrums....if you were watching your question answer actually posted first.....but paradiset had claimed a slot first, so when paradiset's answer was posted mine got bumped into the second slot....:).
3 Tulip- I actually did that intentionally :p .
Tulip- I actually did that intentionally :p.
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A question you've answered on Askville is ready for voting! please.
Don't you think the Askville Gods were trying to tell Helen of Troy that she should have answered my Question in a...
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.