When does the Oracle node VIP fail over to another node and subsequently return to its home node?

The handling of the VIP with respect to a failover to another node and subsequent return to its home node is handled differently depending on the Oracle Clusterware version. In general, one can distinguish between Oracle Clusterware 10g & 11g Release 1 and Oracle Clusterware 11g Release 2 behavior. For Oracle Clusterware 10g & 11g Release 1 the VIP will fail over to another node either after a network or a node failure.

However, the VIP will automatically return to its home node only after a node failure and a subsequent restart of the node. Since the network is not constantly monitored in this Oracle Clusterware version, there is no way that Oracle Clusterware can detect the recovery of the network and initiate an automatic return of the node VIP to its home node. Exception: With Oracle Patch Set a new behavior was introduced that allowed the node VIP to return to its home node after the network recovered.

The required network check was part of the database instance check. ... more.

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