When Ryan said the Afghan military bases didn't have enough protection?

Good point...and a valid one. The Benghazi assault was set up as a deliberate "October surprise" by the powers-that-be in the GOP, I firmly believe---a belief based on past patterns from the far-right-wing theocratic-coup-minded Heritage Foundation and secretive Council on National Policy (CNP), umbrella groups for the CULT that controls the GOP, The Family (a.k.a. , Youth With A Mission, C Street House, The Federation).

The Coptic Christians involved in creating the inflammatory film, "Innocence of Muslims," and the loony-toon anti-Muslim whacko Pastor Terry Jones are members of The Family (D.C. branch), host of the recruiting-tool "National Prayer Breakfast." Some of the same now-former-CIA and hardliner operatives from the Bush/Cheney lawless regime are now advisors for Romney (or as the British press call him, "Mitt the TWIT") on foreign policy (see the Romney campaign websites for the many names, to include John Bolton, Dan Senor who was sent by the Bush/Cheney regime to Iraq to set up the torture of detainees, and so on). Cutting the funding for Embassy (and Consulate) security while using the 9/11 anniversary date as a release-time for the inflammatory film to incite violence, but then trying to claim there were no demonstrations in Binghazi despite Romney's jump-the-gun (treasonous) TV apprearance on 9/11 to berate President Obama for the "apology" (a handwritten note from a staff member in the Binghazi Consulate to tell the gathering crowds they were not involved in the film's release and did not condone attacks on others' religions)...this would suggest complicity and advanced knowledge on the part of the GOP.

Then Darryl Issa (R-CA), the convicted felon with less-than-Honorable discharge from the military, slipped up on "The Bill Maher Show" when he tried to claim that the assault in Benghazi was "set up weeks in advance" (implying deficiencies in Obama intelligence), but then added that these supposedly "premeditated" attackers "used the demonstrations" to cover their attack. Since the demonstrations were SPONTANEOUS, then how did a supposedly "prearranged" attack even know the demonstrations would occur unless they had ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE from the U.S.-based co-conspirators aligned with the right-wing extremists in control of the GOP? How's that for a tidy little conspirarcy theory?

Hook or crook---that's how these far-right-wing nutjob extremists want to win this election. I just hope the Obama team keeps a mighty close eye on ABSENTEE BALLOTS in Republican/TP-led states and also follow Romney advisor Shoul, the guy caught in Florida and five other states tampering with Democrats' voter registrations and cheating on Republican ones---Shoul has formed a new front-company he calls Advocacy Partners to keep on voter-suppressin. DIRTY-TRICKS abound!

Ryan didn't forget. He was hoping everyone else would have.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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