When will we realize (realise) that we are all family on this planet?

When we no longer put greed ahead of compassion.. When we stop fighting wars.

When we can get rid of greed that is when we can live as one. It's always been the survival of the fittest in any type of ecosystem and humans are no different.

We all know we are related in that we are all human beings but there are few families that along -so in a sense we're doing just what a family would do....battle it out.

When there will be nothing else left on this planet just a group of survivors from every corner of the world, only then we realize that a foreigner is actually the same human being...

Human are social animals and empathy and sympathy are honed for survival. It's about preservation: of the self, the gens and the social group in which we and our genes are embedded...

Everyone but the sociopath recognizes that human beings are a special breed. For example, it's murder to kill a person without justification but not to kill a cockroach. "Family" then is the wrong word.It already has a perfectly good meaning, and that is not "all people.

" Therefore the right reply to this question is that it is structurally unsound and cannot be answered as asked.

Most of us accept this already.....................yet, we know,that we are not always close, or in cozy agreement.

Family" does not equal " harmony", nor complete agreement..................

You can still be my " big brother", offering me protection, even though I might sometimes find you to be quiet chavanistic.

Yes, we are all " family"..........but we are not always in agreement.

If you think that the two are the same...........well, your world view is somewhat limited.

I am hopeful for it but don't think it can happen in our world, there are too many dividing lines.

That's true. We really ought to try to be less tribal and see that other peoples suffering is our own. I know it's all a bit "peace and love" and ideolistic, but it's an honest way to view the world I think.

We should all strive to help others and see commonality rather than difference.

As long as the people won't control the executive, never will we be a family!

It's the british spelling with American spelling in parenthesis. But anyways I am not sure when that may occur, but what I do know is that, on a global scale, the distribution of wealth is getting smaller. There are more and more middle class people each year.

Even in third world countries.

When the whole world is under one government. What that kind of government will be I have no idea. But in order for us to treat each other as equals there need to be far fewer borders.

Countries need to become states. In order for that to happen we need to think of things on a planetary scale, which we may never be able to do.

So my answer is this: We will treat each other as equals when we are able to see the world as one country. But in order for us to do that, I believe, we need to be able to regularly travel to other parts of space. I know that sounds crazy, but think about it.

When did each european country really band together and become proud of their heritage? The Age of Exploration. This time we need to explore space.

For that to happen we need to accelerate technology. We also need for Einstein's laws of physics to be false though. (Not as likely.).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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