I need all of these questions answering otherwise I won't be able to use this site any more?

I will try to help you out. First of all, in your profile, (you have to scroll down to see the details) is where the balance should be. They mucked it up in the beginning, but mine has been corrected, so either they are still working on it, or it will be fixed soon.

I had to check my balance when voting up a question before they fixed it! The Mahalo Store is another story! I just go in to the link, and then you have to findI the damn store!

I have only been twice, as the balance was correct in the store as well) I read one of Cory's comments, and said they are working on putting the store back on the front page. I have asked two questions since the change, and the $1.00 was still there, so don't know how this happened to you. I have had so much grief putting on images, but finally did it, but the old way was a lot easier!

I have never put a video on, so don't know how that's working! (That's too advanced for my brain! :))) But don't be frustrated, I'm sure they will iron out the problems soon!

I was really upset the first few days as well, as had only learned how to put the damn pictures on, and then when they changed it, I freaked out! But I was determined not to let it get to me, and you will be fine! You have worked very hard to get to your level, so don't let these glitches stop you from going Forward!

Your profile is up on the right top page to click on. I couldn't find mine in the beginning and just asked. Hope things work out soon, and keep optimistic!


1. If you click on your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, that will take you to your profile, and the info is in the right-hand column. The balance issues have been fixed now, so what you see should be accurate.2.

The Mahalo Store is still there. Until they put a link back on the home page (or Answers home page), we have to use the URL : mahalo.com/store The store hasn't changed; although, without links, it's a bit more difficult to access, since we have to type in the link.(Or create a bookmark for the time being. ) Mahalo admin has said they'll do this.

I just think there were so many other more pressing issues to fix with the change to Mahalo 4.0 that that was kind of low on the priority list.3. I don't know why some people offer, well, nothing ($M 0) with their questions. Of course, other users can vote the question up and add tips, making the questions worth something to answer, but I agree--without a tip, people aren't as motivated to answer, unless they just want to the points.

I think most of those $M 0 questions are on the "sister" sites, not on the main Mahalo site, but still...

3. Why do so many of my own questions have a value of $M0 all of a sudden? That certainly won't attract any answers... Actually I think your questions are being funded with the default $1.00 tip If you look at your questions in your profile however, it shows them at $M0 I'm not sure why its showing like that unless its purposely done to allow you to see what questions you have personally added tips for.

I noticed the same thing a few days ago and checked on the listings and the questions were tipped at the $M1.00 default but show on my profile page as $M0.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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