You can find pictures of anorexics on the Internet. There can be many pictures in articles written or posted by doctors or people who explain about this disorder, or simply pictures posted by anyone. Also you can find pictures in newspapers and magazines or in some hospitals.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death. You can find more information here:
However, they could be using pictures of spontaneous abortions (i.e. , miscarriages) and labeling them as abortions. Medical dictionaries and textbooks may also have some pictures.
Lastly, there are some 'reality websites' that compile pictures of death and injury, such as, which likely contain some images.
The Hardin MD website contains many picture galleries for AIDS and HIV, as well as information about the disease. There are literally hundreds of pictures for you to view. You can find more information here:
This study was not large enough to prove a link between Ecstasy and birth defects, but these findings are good evidence that Ecstasy should be completely avoided by pregnant women. See also: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
There are a couple of popular image search engines available online. You should be able to find picture of alcohol on google images and yahoo images.
You've found them! These printable pictures of alcohol served at a bar are totally free, so print as many as you like! If you can't find the item you are looking for, please suggest an item!
You can find pictures of just about anything on one online picture hosting website! Simply use the search feature to find just what you are looking for! You can find more information here:
You've been Farked, as it were. Re: Who took these pictures and where can I find more/higher res ones? Quotedstanley - 26/10/2006 5:38 PMYou've been Farked, as it were. for coming on the site and letting us know.
To find pictures of bacteria, you can search the Internet. There are many websites dedicated to this subject. You can look for books at a library or school, too.
That’s when researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and the University of Texas announced in the journal Nature that they had created photographs of themselves by programming the bacteria – best known for outbreaks of food poisoning – to make pictures in much the same way Kodak film produces images. It’s the latest advance in "synthetic biology," a disputed research movement launched largely by engineers and chemists bent on genetically manipulating microscopic bugs into acting like tiny machines, creating new, powerful and inexpensive ways to make drugs, plastics and even alternatives to fossil fuel. The field seeks to go beyond traditional genetic engineering feats where a single gene is spliced into bacteria and other cells to manufacture drugs.
Synthetic biologists are trying to create complex systems that function as logically and reliably as computers. Mainstream biologists, however, scoff that biology – life itself – is too unpredictable and prone to genetic mutation to understand, let alone tame and turn into miniature factories.
You can find pictures of Canada almost anywhere. Pictures of Canada can be found in books, pamphlets, on the internet, in magazines, or even on the television.
National Geographic has a slide show called Canada Coast-to-Coast. You can find nice pictures on Canada in the slide show. There is a picture of a light house in Nova Scotia that is simply beautiful.
Pictures of children can be found in magazines and on the internet. You can check out education websites as well. Although, any kind of sexually explicit content involving children is highly illegal!
You can find plenty of pictures of children in magazines of all types. You can also find them online. Just do a search for images of children.
There are some great photographers that specials in wonderful pictures of children and have put out many books.
Chlamydia is a silent disease. Most people that have it don't even know it. If you are sexually active you should always wear protection, and have regular exams to test for STD's.
If you want to know where you can find pictures of Chlamydia, you should contact your local health clinic, there they can give you pamphlets with lots of information and descriptions as well as pictures. You can find more information here:
Chlamydia is a silent disease. Most people that have it don't even know it. If you are sexually active you should always wear protection, and have regular exams to test for STD's.
If you want to know where you can find pictures of Chlamydia, you should contact your local health clinic, there they can give you pamphlets with lots of information and descriptions as well as pictures. You can find .
You can get stock photos of cigarettes. There is a variety of pictures available. You can get diagram pictures of the cigarette that describes each part of the cigarette.
You can find more information here:
I think the FDA should stick with the food chain; at this point we don’t need the harm cigarettes cause hammered into our heads. What are your thoughts? (btw-I’m an ex-smoker, not because of the health or money risks, I got tired of it due to the time demands).
There are many websites where you can see pictures of crack cocaine. It basically looks like baby powder. Cocaine is not only dangerous, it's illegal to possess or take.
You can find more information here:
Ruthie Lambert carefully preparing the cocaine for smuggling. A concerned Ruthie Lambert starts to have second thoughts about transporting the drugs. As Ruthie Lambert gets out of her taxi, a man takes her bag that contains the drugs.
Today, you can find any kind of picture your heart desires. If you want to find pictures of computers, just change the settings on your Internet browser to search for images. Type in "computers" and hit "Search".
Here’s part 1 of random public domain pictures available for download. No registration required. Just credit the creator.
Here are pictures of animals and plants.
To find pictures of different types of cornrows, you can look in magazines that cater to African Americans or African American hair, or you can look for them online. There are many different styles of cornrows.
Cornrows are a popular African style of braiding the hair along the scalp. They are also known as "underhand track braids". It's a traditional art that anyone who has the patience can learn, but it takes some time and skill to master.
Cuba is an island country in the central Caribbean, and it is about 150 km to the south of Florida. You can find pictures of Cuba by searching online. In addition, you can find pictures in postcards and travel guides and books on Cuba.
You can find more information here:
Tony Bourdain travels to Cuba and gets an authentic taste of Cuban rum, cuisine and baseball. The Capital building in Havana. Please forgive us, this gallery is really popular.
My favorite place online to look at doctors is They are one of the largest online photo galleries. To view pictures of doctors, click below.
You can find more information here: http://www. Mhtml?
Just as today, doctors don’t spend all their time with patients; they also have to do plenty of presentations. Here you see a doctor presenting a paper to members of the Board of Directors for the Greenbelt Maryland Medical Association, photographed by Marion Wolcott in 1939. These presentations look just as dull nowadays as they did back then.
Just as they do today, doctors also provide presentations to members of the public to help them improve their health or better respond to emergencies. In this image, taken by Russell Lee in 1942, a doctor shows a pressure spot to help stop arterial bleeding during a first aid class. Similarly, many doctors focus their careers exclusively on research and development of new treatments rather than on helping people who are already injured or sick.
These three gentlemen are testing out a new style of respirator on a lab rabbit. While there is no date on this specific image, it seems to have been taken some time around 1890. To develop a vaccine for typhus, doctors first had to collect ticks from around the world to ensure they had every possible strain of the disease.
Here is Doctor Cooley of the United States Health Service Rocky Mountain Laboratory with his collection, as photographed by John Vachon in 1942. Doctor Herrald R.
There are many places where you can find pictures of drugs. Check your local library for books on drugs and drug use. Also, talk to your doctor or health department for brochures of drug abuse.
You can find more information here:
Find similar stock images by selecting any combination of the following keywords. Click on any keyword to search on a single keyword. All rights reserved.
The best way to find pictures of ecstasy is go to images.ask. Com and type in 'ecstasy' and click 'search'. Almost all of ecstasy are colored tablets with creative art work imprinted on one or both sides.
Ecstasy achieves its high by preventing the brain from reabsorbing the chemical serotonin, thereby prolonging its effects in the body. Ecstasy also appears to impair the thought process. German researchers studied 28 ecstasy users (who had used the drug an average of 3.5 times a month for about 2 years) and found they performed significantly worse on tests of memory, learning, and general intelligence than nondrug users and than pot smokers.
: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2000;68:719-725). Ecstasy is also considered a "possible" teratogen, an agent that can disturb the development of the embryo or fetus. British researchers have reported that of 136 pregnancies during which the mothers took Ecstasy, 78 babies were born alive and of these, 15.4% had birth defects including clubfoot, skull defects, toe malformations and two cases of congenital heart defects.
By comparison, the malformation rate for pregnant women in the general population is about 3%. This study was not large enough to prove a link between Ecstasy and birth defects, but these findings are good evidence that Ecstasy should be completely avoided by pregnant women. See also: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
Pictures of gonorrhea can be disgusting. It is a bacteria and it is curable. It was first discovered in 1879.It is a sexually transmitted disease.
You can find more information here: health.allrefer. Com/health/gonorrhea-female-pictures-im...
Pictures & text information. For each picture (very large files).
Pictures of graffiti can be found with a simple search engine entry for "Graffiti" with the search engine set to find image results. Many police departments keep records of known gang tags. You can find more information here:
If you can identify the people in the pictures, police ask you call Richmond Police Detective Patrick Mansfield at (804) 646-4996 or Capitol Police Cpl. Jamie Cosby at (804) 786-0386.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.