Where can I find recipes for cooking with nutmeg?

I found several sites that has recipes for cooking with nutmeg. Visit these sites and check them out: 1. dishbase.com/recipes/nutmeg/ Some of the recipes you will find here are: *Pasta Cavatelli And Three Cheeses This recipe is made with butter, cavatelli, flour, dash of salt and pepper, nutmeg milk, cream cheese, shredded mozzarella cheese and grated parmesan cheese.

*Rabbit boiled with onions The ingredients of this recipe are marjoram, parsley, some sage, thyme, skinned onions, butter, cream and nutmeg. These are boiled together with rabbit meat.

*Thanksgiving Pumpkin Custard For the above recipe you need a canned pumpkin, evaporated skim milk, brown sugar, ground cinnamon, ground ginger, ground nutmeg, egg, egg white, and some salt.

2. helpwithcooking.com/spice-guide/nutmeg-r... You will find nutmeg recipes like: *Cauliflower and Nutmeg Soup recipe on this site. The homemade soups are very tasty and you can buy this in a packet or tin and they are easy to make especially if you have a blender.

*Sweet Potato and Raisin Bread This is very tasty when eaten hot or cold and best served with butter.
*Baked Egg Custard This can be made with double cream and with less fattening ingredients like 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoon caster sugar and freshly grated nutmeg.

Apples are great eaten as a raw food and they are also a great ingredient in many cooked dishes, from bread to biscuits, cake to cookies, and entrees to desserts. While searching for apple recipes, I found the following website that is full of every possible type of apple recipe. Check out the site here: apple-recipes-with-good-taste.com.

There are many great recipes for cooking with apples. These recipes can be found at several different websites. Here is a list of some great sites: bhg.com, allrecipes.com bettycrocker.com cdkitchen.com foodnetork.com Most of these websites have ratings and notes attached.

The Better Homes and Gardens website has some really awesome recipes that are great for cooking on holidays or those times when you want to surprise your family. The CD Kitchen website has recipes for baked apples using 7-up to showing you how to make Apple Turnovers. These would be some wonderful desserts for using fresh apples.

There is a great recipe for Apple Strudel as well on this site. If you want to make Apple Crisp, you will want to visit Betty Crocker’s website. This recipe is rated at 5 stars.

Check out this site for even more delicious apple recipes. By using the above sites, you should be able to find may useable recipes for cooking with fresh apples and well as alternating the recipes where your family will not get bored. Happy cooking!

Source used: bettycrocker.com bhg.com cdkitchen.com.

You can find recipes for cooking with oranges on a variety of websites. I hope you find these ideas useful! Keep in mind that one medium orange will yield approximately seven tablespoons of juice and two tablespoons of zest.

You could always make orange juice! Although it’s fairly obvious, it might be easy to overlook how special and tasty a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice can be! If you’re looking to use oranges in your savory dishes, try this recipe for Orange Chicken (and when it calls for orange juice, use some fresh squeezed from your oranges!

): orangerecipes.org/orange-chicken.html. Consider this recipe for Crab Cakes with an Orange-Dill Sauce: whatscookingamerica.net/CrabCakesOrange.... one is Tofu with Sweet Rosemary Syrup; recipe is here: cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/909/Tofu-With... sweets are more your style, consider this recipe for Cranberry-Orange Muffins: finecooking.com/recipes/cranberry-orange... a bunch by doubling or tripling the ingredients and freeze them for later. Allow them to thaw out over night and then reheat in the oven!

Candied orange peels are also a sweet classic treat; try this recipe: http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/34/Candied_Orange_Peels43189.shtml.Try this website for a variety of orange recipes including Orange Pancakes, Orange Poundcake, and a Citrus Vinaigrette: http://www.ultimatecitrus.com/oranges.html#Orange%20Pound%20Cake.The Sunkist website also allows you to search for recipes using specific types of citrus: http://www.sunkist.com/recipes/. Something I love to do with ripe fruit, especially oranges, is to fill a pitcher of water and put slices of oranges in it. You’d be surprised how tasty it can be and help you get your water down!

Sites like this are awesome! recipematcher.com/index.php/home/ Scroll down and put in your ingredient(s) and it will pull up recipes. There are also some like this: supercook.com/ that if you only have certain ingredients it will give you recipes that only require those ingredients.

If you google ingredients recipes it will pull up a bunch of sites similar to that. Great when you're broke! :).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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