Where have all the people who care about this country and it's direction gone? Is anyone else wondering or is it just me?

Omg I have been wondering that for so long...looking for people who think deeper then what society tries to flood our minds with. So many people are like zombies...just taking whatever is thrown at them, not even having a thought about it. Why don't people want to grow in knowledge and look at whats happening around them, how our government is basically trying for a one world government and dare I say brainwashing all of the people in america. And you know what I do dare to say what I think is going on because NO ONE else is!

Everyong is so quiet and again I think society has made people be a certain way and if your not that way you are "crazy". My boyfriend I try to tell him what I learned today and what he thinks of it....nothing...blaaaaa omg no responce. Does anyone understand what I am trying to say?

Does anyone try to find themselves anymore? Why can't I be me and no judged by everyone else since there is such a standard these days. Im not cool if im not mainstream.

Well I think mainstream is not cool at all because there isnt any passion in it! No music that gives metaphors to what they are thinking like deep thinking..idk pink floyd the beatles? Im sorry im venting and this all in turn goes with your question: "why don't people care anymore about this country and and its direction?" because people are dumbed down with t.

V and certain music movies...people are numb these days and they're thinking isnt actually any specific thought. No free mind. FIND people who understand you.

They are out there I promise. Myspace.Com/to_be_free_41 thats all I have that I got. On no facebook just that thing.

Talk to me. Let me know your thoughts.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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