Where to buy frito lay CORN CHIPS in lime and chili flavor. (Corn chips are different from totilla and potato chips.)?

Where to buy frito lay CORN CHIPS in lime and chili flavor. (Corn chips are different from totilla and potato chips. ) Asked by pinky 60 months ago Similar questions: buy frito lay CORN CHIPS lime chili flavor Corn chips totilla potato Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: buy frito lay CORN CHIPS lime chili flavor Corn chips totilla potato.

There official name is Fritos Sabrositas lime and chile corn chips And they are not being made any more. Contact them to be sure 1-800-352-4477 Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. To 4:30 P.M.Central Standard Time Sources: fritolay.com/fl/flstore/cgi-bin/ProdSubE... .

Safeway Superstores in the Pacific Northwest carry them. Also suggest checking the Frito Lay Website (from the back of the bag) or E-Mail them asking for the distributors that carry them. Much will depend what part of the country you live in, but if you don't have a Safeway, most supermarkets have a customer service number, store manager, or website you can contact and suggest they start carrying them.

I have suggested items found elsewhere and the store manager has either responded, or ordered it specially for me and called me when it came. Sure hope this helps. I know how it is to find something you like then can't find where to buy it.

Makes you want to buy a big supply and ration it. Best of Luck! Sources: Fritos.....my ultimate addiction.....this is my opinion.....

1 solitaire625, regarding your answer "There official name is Fritos Sabrositas lime and chile corn chips":Yes that is the new name. Frito Lay does not sell on line as it infringes on the retail market. Frito Customer Support will not state where the chips are sold.

I understand they are sold only in parts of Northern California and Arizona. I found a grocery store is Tuscon that has them but will not sell them over the phone and I no know one in the area. Very frustrating.

Solitaire625, regarding your answer "There official name is Fritos Sabrositas lime and chile corn chips":Yes that is the new name. Frito Lay does not sell on line as it infringes on the retail market. Frito Customer Support will not state where the chips are sold.

I understand they are sold only in parts of Northern California and Arizona. I found a grocery store is Tuscon that has them but will not sell them over the phone and I no know one in the area. Very frustrating.

" "Your best homemade Salsa for corn chips. " "What's your top five favorite chips?(Can be potato, corn, or other.).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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