What's your top five favorite chips? (Can be potato, corn, or other.)?

(Can be potato, corn, or other. ) Asked by MacGyver 44 months ago Similar questions: top favorite chips potato corn Food & Drink > Food.

Similar questions: top favorite chips potato corn.

Chips! Yummy! Good to sit on the couch watching TV & munch... also you gotta have em for your BBQ!

My favorite generic category would be corn chips, but there are so many different brands (also brands of potato chips), that I am going to answer by being brand-specific. My all-time favorite chips are Fritos Brand corn chips... especially the Scoops variety. Very close to Fritos Brand would be Kroger Brand corn chips.My next favorite chips would be Tostitos brand tortilla chips.

I like these best with salsa and other Mexican style dips. A close second to Tostitos brand would be Doritos brand tortilla chips. A list of favorite chips just could not be complete without potato chips, and to me, Lay's Brand is the very BEST!

But there are many different styles and varieties of Lay's Potato Chips... and MY favorite is the "kettle cooked" chips! A very close second potato chip would be the Wise Brand Kettle Cooked potato chips! I don't know of a "generic" category for Ritz chips.

They are unique, and a very tasty snack! And finally... I love "Veggie chips"! They are touted as being "more healthy" than other snack chips, but I very much doubt that claim... but they TASTE so good (and are so unusual) that are a guilty pleasure!



Chips love them all Shoe string potato chips Dorito's Pretzels Frito Lay's corn chips Cheeto's (hard) .

Not a common snack for me, but... 1. Terra Sweet Potato Chips. They actually taste like sweet potatoes and are healthy in moderate quantities.2.

Tostitos multi-grain chips. Yeah, I know. They’re not really health food.

But they’re a little better, aren’t they? 3. Tostitos Scoops, the better for shoveling up salsa and guacamole.4.

Doritos Nacho Cheese Chips. Nasty and probably cause cancer, but who can resist?5. Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips SharonW's Recommendations Chili Pepper Themed Chip 'N Dip Platter Amazon List Price: $29.95 .

I can't give you five, because I don't eat that many types... but Cape Cod 40% less fat Cape Cod regular chips Lays regular Those puffy orange things(not the crunchy ones) and Tostidos OK, that's 5.

(Stuff like raisins, prunes, banana chips, beef jerky, etc. ).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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