Where to find analog recorder software to replace microsoft! Plus which doesn't work on windows vista? Got a new computer when my 5 year old one died that ran XP and the new one runs vista; I used analog recorder on microsoft plus to get my music off of my old cassette tapes and lp's, and vista will not run microsoft plus.
Any ideas that one may have for just the basics of getting the music off cassettes fairly cheaply and into my music library to play on windows media player 11 would be appreciated. Thanks! Asked by hugo772 43 months ago Similar questions: find analog recorder software replace microsoft work windows vista Computers > Software.
Similar questions: find analog recorder software replace microsoft work windows vista.
See inside there is a good program called LP Recorder and you can download it from here LP Recorder - Digital recording of vinyl LPscfbsoftware.com/lprecorder/lprecorder.htmOr use audiograbber, which is for free. audiograbber.com-us.net/ Sources: cfbsoftware.com/lprecorder/lprecorder.htm .
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Quickbooks is getting bad reviews.
I have lots of 32-bit software, and am considering getting a new computer with 64-bit Vista. Will the old sw work?
Is there any software available to transfare my photos from my Kodak Easy Share CX7525 to Windows Vista.
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