Who is your favorite Marvel Comics character?

It is really hard for me to answer this. All comic book characters are based on some type of though. There is always some kind of deeper symbolism that drives the character, and makes it what it is.As someone who loves symbolism, this is what ultimately connects me to a character.

At different times in my life, I have had different favorite Marvel characters. When I was a child, I was raised to love my country no matter what the leaders of the country did. This unyielding love for the values of the country led me to relate the most to Captain America. s goal to defend the American way of life no matter what was something that made him a favorite for me.

As I got into my teens, I found that I was a mismatch of emotions. I had times in which I could not control the simple emotions as I went through the changes that happen at that point in life.It only makes sense now to me about why the Hulk became my favorite Marvel chracter at the time. Remember, that the basis for the Hulk was a man's struggle to try to control the undieing rage inside of him.

My early twenties found me collecting a lot of Doctor Strange stuff. I was studying political science and business law at the time in college. I believed taht I was someone that could change things for the better in the world.

At the time, I could relate to a character that was charged with protecting the world from forces that it was not meant to know about.It probably came in tune as well with the fact taht I had also discovered H.P. Lovecraft at the time. There are many parallels there. Now that I am older, I find that Thor is becoming more and more of a favorite.

Here is a character who symbolizes the struggle to keep the old ways alive in a brand new world. He is chraged with keeping the Earth safe, but still holds strong t the old ways of doing things, and to the old symbols that meant so much to so many people so many years ago. As someone who writes a lot about the symbolism to be found in old horror movies, and in literature, it only makes sense to me.In ten years, I might be able to add more to this answer.

I might find another Marvel character that I can relate to above all others.

My favorite Marvel Character is Cyclops, because he has the massive and destructive "Optic Blast". What more can I ask for?

This is a tough one. Perhaps it depends on mood. The one that consistently is my favorite would have to be Nightcrawler.

I am talking about the original Kurt Wagner, not the bad acting we saw in Xmen 2. And no earring after they switched styles to more anime ish stuff. Looks like a blue demon, but is probably the most ethical of them all.

Chivalrous, and can even fight with a sword (even wielding one with his tail). Good with the ladies. Teleportation is an awesome power even if it creates the smell of burning sulphur.

The real nightcrawler is not intimidated, and remains brave, undaunted by danger. He is a friend to all, and values peace, yet he is willing to fight evil when necessary. Though not mentioned often, Kurt Wagner is wise yet still personable.

Beast and Wolverine are also cool, and so is Kitty Pride. I haven't kept up with this stuff in years, but the storylines were always so good. Good character development.

I kinda miss this stuff.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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