(Only Jews) which religion share more concepts with judaism... Christianity or Islam?

As far as I can tell, there aren't any Hindu temples in Israel. Not because the Israelis forbid such from being built....it's just that the number of Hindus in Israel is rather minuscule. Israel does have options for Hindus, though, and communities that get together and worship.

Anyone in Israel is free to be Hindu, and their rights will be respected since the freedom for religion extends to all. As for other religions: There is a Buddhist temple in Tel Aviv, and apparently it's one of five of its kind in the entire Middle East. There is a growing community of Wiccans/Pagans in Israel and even Scientology has a presence with a building in Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

Lastly, there appears to be an infrastructure for Sikhs to take advantage of, though like Hindus it isn't too extensive due to the size of the community in Israel. Despite being "the Jewish state", many religions are represented within its borders. True, most are Jewish, and other than that you have all kinds of Christians and Muslims as well as the Druze and even Baha'i (their world center is in Haifa itself), but Israel does have communities associated with non-Abrahamic faiths within it.

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