Which ring should be worn on the inside (first)? Engagement or wedding?

Seems they should go on in the order received, but my mom always said wedding ring closer to your heart. Was mom right? Asked by Goodbye!

15 months ago Similar questions: ring worn inside Engagement wedding Lifestyle > Weddings.

Similar questions: ring worn inside Engagement wedding.

Wedding ring first and then the engagement ring. I remember wearing my engagement ring on my right hand the day of the wedding and after the ceromony putting it back on my left hand.

I remember my wife's expression: 'You never take off the wedding ring, but the engagement ring can to be taken off for many reasons. 'So the engagement ring is on the outside. All of the reasons work.

I was taught that the wedding ring is worn closest to the heart. At the ceremony, either the engagement ring is not worn, or the wedding band is placed outside it, to be switched to the inside position later.

Wedding ring on the inside--closest to the heart, never to be taken off, etc---all the reasons already mentioned. But from a more practical viewpoint---at that point in the ceremony, when the groom puts the ring on the bride's finger, nothing else is there, right? Cuz the engagement ring is on the left hand, temporarily or not depending on preference, for the band to be placed on the right handNow, if you happen to have a bridal set, whereby the engagment ring and the wedding band are made to fit together as one ring, then both should be presented to the bride by the groom at the ceremony and I think that, as such, it is up the bride to choose which direction, depending on comfort and style of the ring.

Goldie, I always thought it was wierd about not wearing them in the order received, too, but dgjones' wife's explanation of being able to take the engagement ring off without disturbing the wedding band makes a lot of sense. A lot of women take off their engagement rings to do dishes, garden, etc. Or only wear it on certain occasions.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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