Well Mr. E. , I've been a shoe freak for most of my life, and I would try anything new as long as there were special shoes for the job. I've toned it down over the years, and now that I'm living near the gulf coast, my collection of shoes is a pile of various colored flip flops.
I did enter the contest you listed above, and if I really did win... I think I would find a way to donate $2,000 or more, 'cause all I really want for Christmas is a good pair of walking shoes and some really cute bunny slippers!
First of all, I would have to buy a few pairs of shoes for myself, since my feet grew almost a whole size after having my son. Nothing fancy or crazy expensive (I think shoes over $50 a pair is a little ridiculous.) Then I would contact a local shelter or food bank and ask what their shoe needs would be. For example, shoes for kids or for adults trying to get into the work force and need a nice pair of professional looking shoes.
I would spend probably $2000 on shoes to be donated to people who need them. Kids grow out of shoes so quickly it's almost shocking and good shoes promote healthy growth and development in children. The remaining $1000 would be for myself and my family, so we wouldn't have to worry about the shoe budget for at least 5 years!
I would donate the shoes to people who need shoes. Seriously, I would.
It looks like you can spend the $3,000 on any clothing items, not just shoes. So possibly I wouldn't buy shoes at all if I won. I'm not too badly off for shoes.
:) However, if I were to buy shoes, I'd probably get myslef a selection of new Rockports. They're what I already have, and I like them for being extremely comfortable as well as stylish. For example, I'd probably go for a dress shoe like this: zappos.com/rockport-ellingwood-black
Esp the female ones, since as far as I can tell, women can never have too many shoes.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.