Overall the smart phone that comes out better is still the iPhone 3GS due to its amazing user interface design and large pool of applications. Based on other specifications both smart phones have little differences. In the end of the day, it still your personal decision that will matter.
IPhone 3GS is the best. Check the following URLs for a list of iPhone review websites directorycellphones.com/Cell_Phones_and_....
According to this article by cnet.com the iPhone 3GS is better than the Nexus One. Here is the link to the article reviews.cnet.com/best-smartphones/" rel="nofollow">reviews.cnet.com/best-smartphones/ ----quote---- The iPhone 3GS doesn't make the same grand leap that the iPhone 3G made from the first-generation model, but the latest Apple handset is still a compelling upgrade for some users. The iPhone 3GS is faster and we appreciate the new features and extended battery life, but call quality and 3G reception still need improvement.
----quote---- Information quoted from reviews.cnet.com/best-smartphones/" rel="nofollow">reviews.cnet.com/best-smartphones/
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