Who do you blame most for the recession? (A) Government (B)Wall Street (C)Greedy Consumers?

Similar questions: blame recession Government Wall Street Greedy Consumers.

2 Of course, it's all of the above. It was the government that insisted that everyone should have their chance to own a home. It was the government that forced the banks to offer mortgages to people without asking for reasonable proof they could pay the mortgage.It was Congress that shouted down President Bush when he warned of the impending crisis.

It was President Bush who allow himself to be shouted down. It was Barney Franks who covered for Freddie and Fannie because of his lover.It was Chris Dodd who accepted favorable loans in exchange for looking the other way. It was the greedy consumers who took out the mortgages they knew they couldn't afford.

It was the greedy consumers who refinanced their homes over and over again while pocketing the cash.It was Wall Street fat cats that took millions of dollars from firms while stripping the companies of their assets. It was the greedy labor unions who forced the companies into bankruptcy while demanding more and more.....This explanation tells only the most shallow explanation of who is to blame. Many, many people are to blame.

I think I blame the government the most because they were elected for the sole purpose of looking out for the people and they have instead become wealthy while looking out only for themselves.

Of course, it's all of the above. It was the government that insisted that everyone should have their chance to own a home. It was the government that forced the banks to offer mortgages to people without asking for reasonable proof they could pay the mortgage.It was Congress that shouted down President Bush when he warned of the impending crisis.

It was President Bush who allow himself to be shouted down. It was Barney Franks who covered for Freddie and Fannie because of his lover.It was Chris Dodd who accepted favorable loans in exchange for looking the other way. It was the greedy consumers who took out the mortgages they knew they couldn't afford.

It was the greedy consumers who refinanced their homes over and over again while pocketing the cash.It was Wall Street fat cats that took millions of dollars from firms while stripping the companies of their assets. It was the greedy labor unions who forced the companies into bankruptcy while demanding more and more.....This explanation tells only the most shallow explanation of who is to blame. Many, many people are to blame.

I think I blame the government the most because they were elected for the sole purpose of looking out for the people and they have instead become wealthy while looking out only for themselves.

3 D) LouLou. This user has been banned from Askville.

4 All of the above. In order to work out who's *most* at fault, I'd have to do some pretty complex financial modeling with massive amounts of data. As far as I know, not no single data repository has collected all the data I'd need.(Admittedly, "at fault" and "blamed" are two different concepts, often with radically differing recipients.

Although I try to bring them into alignment, every time the opportunity arises. ) .

All of the above. In order to work out who's *most* at fault, I'd have to do some pretty complex financial modeling with massive amounts of data. As far as I know, not no single data repository has collected all the data I'd need.(Admittedly, "at fault" and "blamed" are two different concepts, often with radically differing recipients.

Although I try to bring them into alignment, every time the opportunity arises. ).

5 1) the government first, for deregulating the failsafes that were put in place after the last depression, then Wall Street for not helping monitor itself and finally greedy corporations, whose focus is only on the next quarter, arther than a few years out. I don't see how greedy consumers enter the mix at all.

1) the government first, for deregulating the failsafes that were put in place after the last depression, then Wall Street for not helping monitor itself and finally greedy corporations, whose focus is only on the next quarter, arther than a few years out. I don't see how greedy consumers enter the mix at all.

" "GOP-RepDon't blame Wall Street/Big Banks. If no Job and a millionaire blame yourself! WTF?

" (11 answers).

GOP-RepDon't blame Wall Street/Big Banks. If no Job and a millionaire blame yourself! WTF?" (11 answers).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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