Brittany Murphy Amy Adams Kirsten Dunst Denise Richards Adam West Ellen Barkin Allison Janney Kirstie Alley Will Sasso Mindy Sterling Alexandra Holden Nora Dunn Amanda Detmer Sam McMurray Mo Gaffney Thomas Lennon Shannon Nelson Brooke Bushman Tara Redepenning Laurie A. Sinclair.
Alexandra Holden Alexandra Holden Alexandra Holden (born April 30, 1977 in Northfield, Minnesota, U.S.), the American actress who has starred in a number of small roles wikipedia Nora Dunn Nora Dunn (born April 29, 1952), the American actress and comedian known for her work on NBC's Saturday Night Live wikipedia Amanda Detmer Amanda Jeannette Detmer (born September 27, 1971), the American actress who has appeared in various films and television shows wikipedia Sam McMurray Sam McMurray (born April 15, 1952), the American television, film and voice actor wikipedia Mo Gaffney Mo Gaffney (born Maureen E. Gaffney on November 5, 1958), the American actress, comedienne, writer and activist website wikipedia Thomas Lennon Thomas Patrick Lennon, the American actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer and director best known as a cast member on MTV's The State and for his role as Lieutenant Jim Dangle on the Comedy Central series Reno 911 wikipedia Shannon Nelson Shannon Nelson, the actor, a star of Drop Dead Gorgeous Brooke Bushman Brooke Bushman, the actor, a star of Drop Dead Gorgeous Tara Redepenning Tara Redepenning, the actor, a star of Drop Dead Gorgeous Laurie A. Sinclair Laurie A.
Sinclair, the actor, starred in Drop Dead Gorgeous.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.