I think that Annie Duke's going to put the smackdown on Joan Rivers. That's Annie Duke's job - if you play poker, you pretty much have to be ruthless unless you enjoy being run over and losing money. (I play poker, but not professionally - you have to be aggressive in the right spots or you fail.) She's also secured Trump's admiration and respect, which he's said during previous episodes.
He admires the way that she holds her own in a male-dominated profession, and he's not shy about saying that on camera. Oh, and the way that Annie's played so far indicates that she really, really wants to win. She's willing to call in favors from her poker buddies, for example, and she just doesn't care how other people on either team view her as long as the job gets done.
You can reasonably say all of the same things about Joan Rivers (just not in the context of poker, though, of course), but I think that Annie Duke's stronger in all of the above senses. When it comes right down to who's more determined to win, I think that Annie gets an extra edge from the fact that pretty much everyone knows who Joan Rivers is - whereas she (Annie) is still not an A-list celebrity.It seems to me like Annie wants to move up on the "celebrity ladder," so to speak, so I think that this gives her an advantage over Joan. None of that, however, necessarily means that I approve of Annie's nasty attitude and rudeness.
She has almost NO tact whatsoever, which is great for the show's ratings, but terrible for "behind closed doors" business. Maybe she doesn't act like a psycho hose beast when the cameras are off but, when I watch this show, it tap-dances all over my last nerve.
Joan Rivers won The Celebrity Apprentice on the Sunday, May 10, 2009 finale episode. Joan raised $150,830 for the charity she supports, God's Love We Deliver, which provides prepared meals to those who are afflicted with HIV/AIDS.
I have lost ALL credibility NOW in The Apprentice! DTrump has definitely NOW shown that he plays favorites and does not play a fair-game! I will no longer waste my time watching the next season of The Apprentice!
I consider the time I spent watching this season a total waste of my time! Annie Duke really deserved to win! She played by the rules and was a Good Sport the whole way through!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.