To answer I need you to consider these two parts of your question against the link that follows. "I heard some say that illegals contribute 1.5 trillion a year to the economy." "That means they are spending three hundred thousand dollars a year?." "Study predicts $1.5 trillion increase in GDP if undocumented immigrants are legalized." "A new study by University of California at Los Angeles professor Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda suggests that comprehensive immigration reform, which includes an earned path to legalization for undocumented immigrants, could generate at least $1.5 trillion in added U.S. gross domestic product over 10 years. Hinojosa explains the data behind his immense calculation: All immigrant workers in this scenario have full labor rights, which results in higher wages — and higher worker productivity—for all workers in industries where large numbers of immigrants are employed.
As wage and productivity levels rise, the U.S. economy’s demand for new immigrant workers actually declines over time as the market shrinks for easily exploited, low-wage, low-productivity workers. ... The higher earning power of newly legalized workers translates into an increase in net personal income of $30 to $36 billion, which would generate $4.5 to $5.4 billion in additional net tax revenue. Moreover, an increase in personal income of this scale would generate consumer spending sufficient to support 750,000 to 900,000 jobs… According to Hinojosa, a mass deportation program often cited by right-wing enforcement-only advocates would actually result in a loss of $2.6 trillion over ten years while a solution that only consists of a temporary worker program that labor unions vehemently oppose and some moderate Republicans support would only yield $792 billion increase in GDP and also lead to a decrease in wages." If this is the "some" you heard of it ""could generate at least $1.5 trillion in added U.S. gross domestic product over 10 years", not in "a year.
That study was conducted by FAIR, an anti-immigrant interest group. While some facts may be accurate, it's easy to spin things in different ways. When considering the children of illegal aliens, especially US citizen children, two things are important to remember.
First, are all citizens equal? Some want to suggest that the children of illegal aliens are somehow less of a citizen than someone born to two US citizen parents. Unless the law changes and the part of the 14th Amendment dealing with this matter is repealed, the children are citizens.
And citizens are all equal. If there's anyone who has a problem with the concept that citizens are equal, I encourage you to make your case. Second, the United States is set to have a labor shortage in coming decades.
The population growth rate of US citizens and lawful permanent residents is NOT enough to sustain what our economy will need. We WILL have a shortage of workers to support the huge baby boomer generation in their retirement years, and the children of immigrants will play a very important role in alleviating this problem. If we have a labor shortage, there is a real risk our economy would suffer significantly, and I would suggest to you that the suffering from such a labor shortage would be far worse than any real or perceived negative impact illegal aliens cause today.
So you see when FAIR wants to commission a study and throw out numbers, they ignore the future. All they want is to scare everyone. Economics is highly complicated stuff when applied to a massive free market country like the United States.
Facts are facts, but how we apply these facts to form opinions is just as much of an art as it is a science. And no, illegal aliens don't spend as much as you say. You have to look at their productivity and related factors in addition to wage.
Please, people, don't read one study and think it's all you need. Especially when the study is commissioned by a special interest group. After all, if I showed you a study by La Raza or LULAC, would you accept it even if real economists wrote the study?
Of course not. So why do you accept FAIR's? Because they tell you what you want to hear?
That's getting really close to what we define as IGNORANCE.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.