Why are Democrats such slimeballs? "Campaigning Democrats turn against health care reform and Barack Obama"?

We don't want him to fail, we want him to prove he is a citizen first. Second, he doesn't care about healthcare, or healthcare reform, he cares about power and control for him and his cronies. If he thinks his time is so valuable, why did he waste so much time going to get a nobel he didn't earn or on his big ten layout?

He's a putz of the first order and needs to be impeached before it's too late. Next a public option means all pay regardless of need por desire to fund those who have no desire to earn their own way and will always fail. This is why hawaii and mass.

Both failed.

One problem is that the Republicans have lied to the American people over and over scaring them into thinking that the sky will fall if Congress provides health care for everyone. I have friends in Canada and other places and they are shocked that America does not provide some health care for everyone. They have it and it works fairly well.

There are a number of areas where their public system doesn't cover and some is covered in some provinces and not in others in Canada. For instance what is sometimes covered in Ontario as to psychological therapy may not be covered in BC. But their basic health needs are covered well.

But when older Americans are told that passage means less service for them and paying much more, and then telling others that all the illegal aliens will have health care and shoot up the costs, etc. etc., people scare and are afraid of change. Some expect to have health care without some work or commitment of some funds. Everyone who pays taxes and has a job should have health care.

It seems that we hurt the ones who work but are still in low income group. It is the working poor who do not have health care. Insurance Companies and banks are the ones who have the big money.

Who do Republicans represent? Banks and insurance companies. However, where are the Democrats?

They, too, have been scared off and some want to have a public insurance and others want to have private. We need both. Even AARP has tried and tried to help americans, older Americans anyway, understand that there are lies being told about health care and that they are being deceived.

They have promoted and supported health care. Anyone who loses a job can find himself without health care as they can't afford the COBRA and it lasts only 18 months. If you lose insurance by losing a job, but have a chronic condition, then you may not be able to get insurance.

Had cancer 20 years ago? Fat chance of finding insurance. If companies are able to do genetic screening, many won't get insurance -- diabetes in your family?

Depression? Forget insurance. Pensions and health care plans are being cut back, but big corporate bonuses are still right up there and rising.

Why? It takes employees to make whatever product or service, not just executives. What is wrong with stockholders that they can't see that?

Oh, they only get to hear from Execs, not from the average employees. I agree that we do need jobs, but money has been approved and why has it been so slow to roll out? Could it be Republican governors in many cases?

How can they hold America hostage? They are more interested in bringing down our President than in what is good for the country. Shame.

I've heard some say, "He is not our President, he's yours." Well, that is not the American way either. There is a growing prejudice against nationalities, and religions.

We had made so much progress but it seems to be reversing. By the way, I am lily white, not black. I am female.

And I can't believe all the lies and deceit - both in elections and about the health care situation.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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