Most hair color that comes in a box can only get your hair 2 shades lighter. This would not get dark hair blond. The hair will be bleached.
When it comes to going much lighter with your hair color your best bet is to go to a salon where they have been trained to achieve the exact color you want. Too much can go wrong at home. Can you buy hair bleach and developer yourself and use at home?
Yes, but it is in your best interest to pay the extra few dollars and be guaranteed your hair turns out right. Not only do you risk having your color not turn out right, if you are not experienced with hair bleach you can leave it on too long and your hair can break right off and fall out. If you are going just a couple shades lighter or darker, the boxed hair color will be fine.
Stronger more potent hair products need to be purchased at a beauty supply store.
Most hair color that comes in a box can only get your hair 2 shades lighter. This would not get dark hair blond. The hair will be bleached.
When it comes to going much lighter with your hair color your best bet is to go to a salon where they have been trained to achieve the exact color you want. Too much can go wrong at home. Can you buy hair bleach and developer yourself and use at home?
Yes, but it is in your best interest to pay the extra few dollars and be guaranteed your hair turns out right. Not only do you risk having your color not turn out right, if you are not experienced with hair bleach you can leave it on too long and your hair can break right off and fall out. If you are going just a couple shades lighter or darker, the boxed hair color will be fine.
Stronger more potent hair products need to be purchased at a beauty supply store. Most hair color that comes in a box can only get your hair 2 shades lighter. This would not get dark hair blond.
The hair will be bleached. When it comes to going much lighter with your hair color your best bet is to go to a salon where they have been trained to achieve the exact color you want. Too much can go wrong at home.
Can you buy hair bleach and developer yourself and use at home? Yes, but it is in your best interest to pay the extra few dollars and be guaranteed your hair turns out right. Not only do you risk having your color not turn out right, if you are not experienced with hair bleach you can leave it on too long and your hair can break right off and fall out.
If you are going just a couple shades lighter or darker, the boxed hair color will be fine. Stronger more potent hair products need to be purchased at a beauty supply store.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.