Setting aside the lack of understanding implicit in the use of the word "idiots" in the question, the reason has to do with the fact that in the US, "football" is the name of a very different sport than what is identified e.g. In the UK as "football". Thus, to avoid confusion, a different name was needed. - quote ( ) - Where English is a first language the unqualified use of the word football is used to refer to the most popular code of football in that region.
The sports most frequently referred to as simply football are association football (soccer), American football, Australian rules football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, and rugby football (rugby league or rugby union). - end quote - As for the name "soccer" that was actually invented in the UK! According to the word soccer comes from university slang for "association" in Football Association.
As explained at : - quote - Soccer is an abbreviation for Association Football. The Football Association was formed in London in October 1863 when representatives of eleven clubs and schools met in an attempt to standardize the rules of the game. One of the rules prohibited the carrying of the ball, a rule that would lead to the Rugby-oriented clubs leaving the Association several months later.
The name Association Football was coined to distinguish it from Rugby. ... the modern spelling appears in the November 1895 issue of 19th Century: "When the boat-race, sports, and “soccer� Are in most men’s minds."
So while soccer is commonly used in North America as the name for the sport, the name did not originate on this side of the Atlantic. - end quote.
Perhaps because they grew up calling another completely different sport "football". To be perfectly honest, American football (which I grew up watching and playing) is a less logical recipient of the name "football", since the ball is handled almost exclusively with the hands. Both "real" football and American football developed during the second half of the 19th century, football breaking off from rugby in Britain, and there is even a legend that American football was also a break off from rugby.In times gone by, any number of games played mainly with a ball and using feet were referred to as "football" games.
While I agree that American football is not the best choice of a name for the game, I don't have a good suggestion for replacing it, do you? (other than idiot ball,which I doubt will catch on?) lets call AMERICAN football "soccer" and only use "football" for REAL football! You might like this!
Soccer Ball. It is obvious to me that the rest of the world has the name wrong and we Americans are the only ones calling the sport by its actual name.. soccer. I wouldn't worry though, it is not the first time billions of people have all been wrong at the same time and about the same thing.
Eventually all of the world will come around and see with a big "DoH! " that they have been all along calling the sport by the wrong name.. it is Soccer not football.
Haha! Remember the great Shakespeare once said, "What's in a name! A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!"
Ain't no doubt about it - It's a great game! Enjoy your World Cup 2010 and have fun!
We here in America use the word "soccer" instead of futbol or football. This is mainly because US already had american football. It comes from the word "Association".
The British invented Football in 1863, full name Association football, the term football is the formal name while soccer is its nickname that was created by the English inorder to distinguish it from rugby football. Soccer became a shortened reference to the word assocation football. Therefore, Football's nickname soccer is often used to refer to football in countries where another form of football exist...example.. America = Gridiron (american football) Australia = Aussie Rules (australian football) Although...Australia have now referred back to the formal name Football having replaced soccer with Football in its official title 4 years ago.
Soccer is called ONLY in U. S since they already have a sport call "football" which they play by their hands. So for the different, U.
S call football is soccer.
Because they are more correct. Football is an old but generic name which covers many sports. It refers to games which were played on foot, as opposed to riding horses.
There are a number of games called football around the world, so they have to be distinguished by adjectives. Most of the time the adjective is dropped where one is much more popular than others. The three best known are Soccer Football, Rugby Football, and American Football.
The word Soccer came from Association and is the analog to Rugger. The word has been in use since 1889. The purpose of the name was to distinguish this type of football from Rugby.
All these games are much less couth than polo. However, they are widely reputed to increase the national consumption of beer where they are played.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.