I think men still fear baldness because it's so heavily associated with aging. Also, the perception out there is that a lot of women don't like it. However, I think in some cases balding can add a certain positive vibe to an older person's look.
For example, I think an older balding man in a pinstriped suit for some reason commands more respect than a younger guy in the same suit with a full head of hair.
This is a great question. I think bald men are handsone. As a matter of fact, I like it when guys with hair shave thier heads.
I think it is because my father has been bald as long as I can remember and I admire him. God only made so many perfect heads, the rest He covered with hair.
Its not the fact that its the baldness itself, its more the fact that most people try to ignore the fact they are getting older. So when you notice that it takes less and less time to wash your hair, and much longer to wash your face it comes as something of a shock. Most women don't face this problem, although they have a similar shock when they notice that they have grey hairs.
Dying your hair is more convincing then having a fake wig... or trying to comb your hair over so you can pretend you don't have a problem.
Perhaps because not all men look good bald. And some men fear they might not have what it "takes" to be bald.
Men are feared because they are not sure wether they vll look more attractive or just opposite of it.
I don't fear baldness and as a matter of choose baldness any day of the week. Hair is overrated and too high maintenance. You've got people spending all this money on hair cuts and fancy products.
You gotta spend all this time shampooing, conditioning, drying and styling. It's exhausting just thinking about it. I started shaving head in my early 20s and hair maintained the look off and on ever since.
Some men do not look good bald, period. I've seen some that would look better with the fringe around their ears than shaved. Hair is associated with virility, youth, and vigor.
Losing your hair means you are losing your youth and virility. Simple as that. But don't worry, aging men replace their hair with young girlfriends and sports cars.
My hair am slightly more then thinning. I like to say I am not loosing hair, I am gaining face. I do not fear baldness.
Whatever happens to my hair is whatever happens to my hair. My character is who I am not my physical features. Anyway, to answer your question.
The people that I know that fear baldness state that it is pure vanity. They do not see themselves as being attractive with a balding head, no matter how other men appear. I am too cheap to be vain!
Yes, you can. See it is like if you want to be Bald & if it suits your personality do not hezited. Just do it.
I have always thought bald guys are hot. It takes a brave person to completely shave their head... associatedcontent.com/article/1682209/re....
I have to disagree. In this situation, we have two types of men. The ones who don't care and the ones that do.
I think the issue here is not vanity but control. For most of us, we are comfortable when we have control over our lives. But when a man starts losing his hair, he has no control over it.
I have friends who started losing their hair and took the initiative to shave it all off. They are confident, strong, in control of their destinies, type of men. Then I have other friends who are starting to lose their hair and they try to hide it for as long as they can.
For instance- Dog the Bounty hunter has been hiding his ever increasing bald spot for quite some time now. It is obvious to me that it is getting bigger and bigger. How long will it take for him to decide to take control.
I don't think he will for a long time.
Men still fear baldness, when so have demonstrated how attractive the bald look can be because (without quotes):.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.