Why do men think they have to pee standing up at home?

Urine therapy is said to cure almost anything; however, it is very important if doing it that it be your own urine as it is believed the body has innate wisdom in fixing what is wrong with your body by analyzing the urine somehow. If it belongs to your step mother, the body will not work correctly for you as it is for her body to use to heal/analyze and not yours. Also the female hormones in it could be harmful to you.

It must be a clean catch midstream with the first morning's urine. It is sterile if drunk right away. Do not leave it sitting around and then drink it as it will gain bacteria in that case.

I did try it before and one must be aware that one may have a healing crisis and get worst before you get better and you might get things like coughs, colds, flu, upsets and other signs that the body is detoxing. I found it hard to drink even though mine was not strong without putting ice in it and adding to a strong juice like grape juice if drinking more than a tiny bit. If she is making you drink yours, I would say she is misinformed about the need for it to be your own urine and not someone else's.

If she does not care, I would say this is child abuse or maybe she does it for some sick sexual reason. I feel it should be your choice to do it or not do it as this is something that is not easy to do. One must really want to get better and be sicker to try it.

I personally do not think this is helpful to you if you are just doing it to stay healthy if you are not even sick in the first place and also do not want to do it and find it distasteful. For her, it is fine to do and her choice(she should not do it in front of you though) but on something like this I personally do not think it should be forced. Most people will not do this if sick let alone well..,I did it to test it as my mother's was dying and I heard this helped but though she found it interesting and shared it and a book with some of her friends, she never tried it.

I certainly would not force her to and respected her chose for obvious reasons. I figured I should test it first before mentioning it to her in case it was harmful as I was in better health. If it is her urine, tell her you did research that said it is not good to drink the urine of another person, especially a females which is so rift with estrogenic female hormones that they use horse urine to make pills that they give to menopausal women to prevent symptoms of menopause since you are a male.

If you want to do your own, ask that it just be a little bit and that you be allowed to drink it with grape juice and ice and only in the morning. Be sure to gather it correctly. If you absolutely do not want to do it, tell her you are getting very upset doing this and it is unpleasant.

Tell her you would be willing to eat healthier, exercise and take herbs or vitamins to assure good health in lieu of this practice. Tell her if she insists that there is a line that parents should not cross and that you believe authorities would agree but do not say you are turning her in or anything...just getting her wondering if you might as this may make her stop insisting you do it. Tell her you appreciate her letting you know about this inexpensive way to cure health problems and you will keep it in mind if you ever get sick when you are an adult but you cannot do it anymore as it makes you nauseous.

Make sure she knows it is not healthful to drink any urine but one's own and it must be the first morning clean catch and it is not good for a male to drink a female's urine due to the female hormones which are rift in the sample. If she persists and makes you, ask first to do the ice and juice thing to lesson the ill taste. Then go online and research the harm of drinking the urine of a female and copy them..make two copies...give one to your dad and tell him you are worried and you need his help to stop doing this.

If your for real, and this is not a joke, because I can never be certain, Then I think you should speak to your dad about it if you can. If that doesn't work or you can't, call your local POLICE station, because i'm pretty sure that they would consider this child abuse. It may not be the ideal way to stop your mum from making you do this, but it will put an end to it immediately.


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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