Why do so many people hate clowns?

Some people just find them creepy or scary. Others are reminded of scary movies with evil clowns. Check out experienceproject.com/groups/Hate-Clowns... This is an anonymous group for clown-haters.

I don't think most people hate clowns. I feel like maybe a lot of people look down at clowns in a condescending way and they don't really give them much respect and maybe that's why it seems like people dislike them?

This question really deserves a really, really long answer, and knowledge of the local situation far beyond my knowledge. However, I'll give it a try, and someone else can fill me in later. Israel is in a tough spot.

The Israelis (or Jews) were given piece of land after World War II, in which they were heavily suppressed, and Nazi Germany nearly all killed. Israel was founded in 1947, by the United Nations. Problem is, the land that was appointed to the Israelis previously belonged to the Palestines, who were basically thrown out of the area.As the Palestines, just like the entire neighborhood is predominantly Arab, Israel was placed in a hostile location from day one.

To add to the problem, both Jews (most Israelis are Jewish) and Arabs have religious ties to many places and cities in the Israeli land, including Jerusalem, which is a pivotal location for both religions. So, Israel is in set up in a very hostile environment, and replaces the Palestinian people from their country, and occupies their most sacred locations. Plus, there are many more arabs in the region, than there are Israeli.

So, the Arabs didn't accept the new Israel, and war began between the two. (The first one, many would follow). So far, Israel has been able to defend themselves very well, is very well armed, and has an excellent Secret Service.

With these, they have been able to stand their ground, and even expanded their territory beyond their initial borders. The initial war that started in 1947 really hasn't ever ended, and still continues today, with some more-or-less peaceful times in between. With all this history in mind, it is not very hard to see why the entire Arab world sees Israel as their main enemy.

Israel is the thorn in their side, which they haven't been able to remove. For Ahmadinejad, this is a very easy target to use.It rallies his people against a common enemy, joining them in a 'battle' against Israel. With his people joined against a shared enemy, his personal power grows.

So, he himself benefits tremendously from this situation. He is popular because of his points of views, and his stance against their 'enemy'. I hope all of this makes sense.

I might have made some factual errors, I haven't checked all details, but this is how I remember the current middle-eastern situation. You might want to read up on the history of Israel on Wikipedia or one of its sources (bottom of the page). There is tons of information on this subject on the Internet.

I hope this answer helped.

This question scratches the surface of such a deep, complex, and varied subject that many many books can be (and have been) written about it. In the following I'll try to give a thumbnail sketch of the Arab position, and of the countering Israeli position. The Iranian involvement is simply a ploy with a triple benefit to them - a bid for increased regional power, an attempt to deflect international pressure regarding Iran's nuclear program, and rallying Iranian-domestic public opinion in support of the Iranian regime.As such, Iran's involvement has little to do with Israel per se, and more to do with using Israel and its struggle with the Arabs for Ahmedinejad's and Iran's purposes.

The Arab position in brief (much of which is propaganda and runs counter to accepted historic records): # Prior to Israel's establishment, there was already an Arab presence in the area currently claimed by Israel. This presence was the Palestinian people. # Jews do not have a historic tie to Jerusalem or to Palestine.

# Jews were transplanted from Europe into Palestine due to the West's guilty conscience about what happened in World War II, without regard to the cost paid by the Palestinians. # Israel has been systematically conducting ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, trying to kick the Palestinians off their ancestral land. # Israel does not want peace, and is only interested in occupying Palestine, and if and as possible, killing or driving off the rightful owners of the land - the Palestinians.

# Israel is an occupying foreign power, which has taken over the Palestinians' country. # The so-called Holocaust and the destruction of 6 million Jews at the hands of the Nazis never happened, or happened to a very limited extent and is overblown by the Jews to make the world feel sorry for them, and in any case is not the Palestinians' problem. Israel's position in brief: # Israel and the Jewish people have historic ties to the Land of Israel (which actually is described in the Bible as covering all the land from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Euphrates River in Iraq in the east and from Lebanon in the north, to the Red Sea in the south).

These ties date back thousands of years (Jerusalem was King David's capital about 3000 years ago). # The Jews were mostly driven out of the Land of Israel by ancient empires that swept through the area (e.g. The Assyrians, the Greeks, and the Romans). However, there has been a consistent Jewish presence in the land for thousands of years.

# Prior to the Jews starting to come back into the area, there was some Arab presence in the area, but this was limited because of the swamps, and the minimal economic environment. There were a few thousand nomads (Bedouins) in the arid and semi-arid areas, and a few hundreds of thousands of Arabs mostly concentrated in a few cities (e.g. Jerusalem, Jaffa, Hebron, Bethlehem, and Acre) with some farming villages around. These Arabs were not Palestinians, because the Palestinian nation did not yet exist.In fact, if you had asked the majority of these Arabs if they were a separate nation from their Arab brethren in e.g. Egypt, Syria, or Jordan, they'd have said no until the latter half of the 1960s.

# The majority of Arabs who were in Palestine at the time of the establishment of the modern state of Israel came there (or their parents or grandparents did) as a result of the economic development driven by the Jewish emigration starting in the late 19th century, and attempts to set up a revived national home for the Jewish people. Thus, a majority of Palestinian families do not have historic ties to Palestine earlier than the modern European Jewish emigration into the area starting around 1860. # Israel has never carried out any organized ethnic cleansing, or expulsion of Arabs.

There may have been instances of rogue behavior by some small group of soldiers here or there, but this was never planned, never ordered, and to the extent possible, was investigated and punished. # Israel has always behaved with the highest moral standards in self-defense against Arab and Palestinian attacks, be they formally declared war, undeclared war, or terrorist attacks. # Israel wants peace very much.

It has made painful concessions in pursuing peace (e.g. Withdrawal from the Sinai as part of a 1979 peace deal with Egypt, unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, etc. ), and is willing to make more concessions for peace with the rest of the Arab world and the Palestinians, so long as the existence and security of Israel are maintained. # The Palestinians have never had an independent sovereign country. They were part of Jordan (for those Palestinians living in the West Bank and Jerusalem) or Egypt (for the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip).

They were mistreated far worse by these two countries than they have ever been mistreated by Israel. In fact, those Palestinians who did not run away in 1948 to give the Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian armies a clear field to push the Jews into the sea so they could then come back and live in the Israelis' cities are Israeli citizens with full legal rights, including the right to vote for parliament, and to be voted into parliament (the Israeli Knesset). These Israeli Arabs have a much higher standard of living, and much more freedoms and civil rights than any other Arab populations in the Middle East outside Israel.

The West Bank was historically (in recent centuries) held first by the Ottoman Empire (later became Turkey), then by the British (after World War I) and then by Jordan. The status of this area is thus not of an occupied land, but rather a disputed territory. # When the United Nations formed the modern state of Israel, it was part of a partition plan which left almost all of the land in Arab hands, with a nearly non-viable set of cantons left for the Jews.

Despite this, the Jews accepted the plan in the hope that it will establish the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel (albeit in a minute fraction of that land), and that with peace between Jews and Arabs there, a cooperative existence would be possible. The Arabs rejected the UN plan utterly and invaded the fledgling state, attempting to eradicate it on the very day it was formed. Israel managed by the skin of its teeth to repel that attack and in fact was able to bolster its area significantly, making Israel's borders more viable.

In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel was able to throw back Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian attempts to again attack Israel (the actual first attack was by Israel in response to the Arabs' closing off of Israel's access to the Red Sea, Egyptian forces massing near the Israeli border, and Syrian artillery bombardments and sharpshooters shooting from the Golan Heights into the northern Israeli area of the Galilee). In that war Israel captured the Sinai, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.As you can see, the two sides see things very very differently, making it nearly impossible to untangle the struggle if one tries to go for historic justice. See Alan Dershowitz's books for further reading: - http://www.amazon.com/Case-Israel-Alan-Dershowitz/dp/0471679526/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261156443&sr=1-2 - http://www.amazon.com/Case-Moral-Clarity-Israel-Hamas/dp/0966154851/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261156443&sr=1-6 - http://www.amazon.com/Case-Peace-Arab-Israeli-Conflict-Resolved/dp/047004585X/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261156443&sr=1-8 - http://www.amazon.com/Case-Against-Israels-Enemies-Exposing/dp/0470490055/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261156443&sr=1-1.

Nobody should hate Israel, and Ahmadinejad is clearly mad, but let's answer why the USA should not give its unqualified support to Israel in the way that it does, thus infuriating much of the world. Israel does all it can to humiliate and dehumanize Palestinians on a daily basis. It takes their land to build settlements and military bases within Palestine.. It blocks roads into Palestinian towns so that the people cannot enter or leave their own towns even to give birth.

Many Palestinians have to queue at checkpoints for hours every day to just to reach their own fields. These are just a few examples. It's all done in the name of security, but is it surprising it has a security problem when it treats people like this?

But what is worse, it violates human rights on the name of "democracy" thus debasing democracy in the eyes of the world. It represents Western Values in the Middle East because it has our support, and could not do a better job of showing Western style democracy in the worst possible light.

I realize many people feel that an extremely long answer is necessary. This is just not the case and goes to further complicate an extremely simple issue. This is the same issue that any country that has been invaded and colonized by outsiders have faced.

Israel was simply given another country's land. The storic Palestinian land was just taken from them. Imagine the state you live in, say the size of New Jersey.

Imagine 6 million jews coming to america and taking over New Jersey, and the president of another country lets say Russia, tells New Jersey that all the current residents must move to Pennsylvania to make room for 6 million people all of the same religion to move into New jersey. And that New Jersey was now to become it's own country. And anytime you entered New Jersey you would have to follow the laws and rules of a country that has vastly different core values than your original country.

And then when people got angry you built a 30 foot wall separating your self so no one could get in. You would soon grow angry with this totally insane and colonialist, totally disrespectful idea. And then to make it worse they are unwilling to stop colonizing a small sliver of disputed territory.

Would be like if the New country of New Jersey started to decide it wanted more land and started creeping into Pennsylvania . Hope my analogy makes some sense. The gist is it was never their land to start URL1 make it worse there was a real push to create the land of Israel because, that was supposed to be one of the end-times prophecies in the bible, the extremely fundamentalist christian evangelicals were really behind this one as they thought they could influence the second coming and the apocalypse.

Totally insane no wonder people hate Israel. There were many many alternatives proposed, other countries were willing to take the people in, but the evangelicals really were pushing to fulfill the biblical prophecies so they could get to heaven quicker.

I belive it is because many films such as "dont mess with the zohan" etc. Display israil as a terroist country and in modern day there are more acts of terrorism so we associate terrorism with israil.

I personally love Israel and I am not even from there. I think there is a huge amount of ignorance in the world and not enough educated people to realize the beauty and potential that is Israel.

Israel is hated because it has one of the world's worst human rights records combined with the fact that it has nuclear weapons which it has been threatening to use against other countries. I think their racism combined with their threats to use their nuclear weapons is the cause of the hatred.

Most People don't hate Israel and don't hate the Jews, it's there usual lies and working tactitic of playing the victim when they are the billionaire goliath who does the attack. The Arab in palestine play the same trick too but in reverse. The real problem is with the zionist , people who claim to be Israelite and Jewish but are really neither, they are a global terrorist organization , who are bent on killing first everyone who they see as a treat to Israel or the jews.

They are the first one behind the attacks on arab country and illegal settlements in Palestine. They are the one behind the killing of Yitzhak Rabin and the "incapacitation" of Ariel Sharon who where both working at making peace a reality. The second problem is the religious fanacist who exist everywhere in the world, the problem is in Israel they are seen as leader , only first to those in Palestine who are more moderate but who will use people to suicide bomb Israel , who have for next one in line the Hard liner in Iran who took control after Iranian revolution who kicked out the US backed Shah.

Now the origin of the conflict goes to the Creation of Israel , where as the UN ( who is not blameless here, far from it ) created two states, the States of Palestine witch Israel conveniently don't recognize and the states of Israel witch Palestinians and hard liner arab don't recognize. The problem at the time was that the Zionist instead of waiting to be given there country did like the USofA did, they delared there independence and stole there lands and refused to recognize Palestine. Now the arab did not like that so they attacked , and where pushed back by the USofA who is really part of the problem as they claim to be playing the moderator but are giving billions in funding and billions in weapon to Israel and sale weapon to Israel tru there arab partners.

Israel for now enjoy a double standards, where as everyone else if forced to declare there nuclear program civil or military , Israel don't follow the same guidelines. Israel also use it's military, private military, spy system to attack , destroy and kill civilians in other neighboor country , in a disproportionate response. Now you asked why Iran is particulary volubile these days about Israel, it's because Israel is offering on an hourly and daily basis to nuke and invade Iran in order to close down iran nuclear program, you have to know that Saddam ( Irak dictator put there at the start by the USofA ) had started the creation of 3 nuclear plant and that Israel went into irak and bombed them to the ground.

Witch neither reported to the global community. I don't take for anyone side here , both are crazy and both should be ignored and treated as child in the creation of a resolution where the USofA is NOT a participant in. Consider this, why is it that people from both side who want peace can come and do so in CANADA but can't in Palestine and Israel.

Answer because the crazy are in charge and have power. If your interested in playing the conflict there is a game that explain a lot about how crazy they are it's called peacemaker : http://www.peacemakergame.com.

Because they killed people and threaten mulims . There for muslim community hate them.

Let's be factual. Israel believes they have a God given right to the land which they occupy. They developed a strip of sand into a thriving international country.

The Israelis have the wisdom, guts, determination to build a better place for all the inhabitants thereof, including Arabs. However, the Arabs cry and complain, and incite their brothers to war. So, in the final analysis, it's Israel against the Arab millions...and the Arabs just can't tolerate being denied.

People hate Isreal because it is god's choosen land. There jealous of how it has prospered and they see it as a threat in what they want to accomplish in the middle east. Imainly speaking of the neighboring countries that surround it.

Following the Cuban Revolution of 1959, relations deteriorated substantially and have been marked by tension and confrontation since. The United States does not have formal diplomatic relations with Cuba and has maintained an embargo which makes it illegal for U.S. corporations to do business with Cuba. Thanks!

You have discovered a sad truth about humans: even atheists can be religious. I salute you for having the courage of your convictions.

I do not assume that just because someone is opposed to abortion, that that makes them pro-life. In fact, if all they want like some people do is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. Like many people and senators do because they don't want any tax money to go there.

That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth....

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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