Why do some people bring religion into everything?

Not everyone is religious and shoving it in my face annoys me. Asked by Otsego69 3 months ago Similar questions: people bring religion Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Because God is intimately involved in all things. He's not "in everything," but He does care about us; therefore, He very much cares what we get ourselves into. After all, God is often enough called on to drag us out of the consequences of these things we got into."Impose"?

Where the heck do you get "impose" from? Someone giving an opinion is not "imposing" that opinion on you unless your guilt level for ignoring God really is that high. If you feel this is imposing, maybe you should simply lay down your war against God, surrender, and repent.

Nothing is being shoved at you, tho. Shoot, why do you think slandering people who share an opinion with you is the way to go?

You really do have crooked views. I have not "waged war" with "god". I simply see through the delusion.

I say impose because that is exactly what you are doing. Once you start quoting the bible and preaching at me you are imposing on my beliefs. Every answer you give has "god' or some reference to "god" and usually a quote from the bible.

Otsego69 3 months ago .

Because ,some people believe, that way. They are happy in their beliefs ,and just want to their happiness,that is all. No one wants to "shove" anything in your face.

They are just opinions. If you don't really want to know people's opinions, why bring it up, in the first place? Unless you think,insulting people's opinion, makes you look intelligent.My opinion is, it doesn't,and it won't get you anywhere,either.

There,I didn't need a Bible verse to answer you,happy? .

Many of these people are totally and completely incapable of independently thinking about something on their own and reasoning it out. Therefore, it must be "God's plan" and if it is, there has to be someplace in the Bible where they can find a piece of scripture to back up what they're saying. And some of it is a real S - T - R - E - T - C - H when you look at their reference in the context of whatever is being asked or discussed.

And we mustn't forget that because it's "God's plan" that everything is "divinely inspired" even though its been re-written countless times down through the centuries and what they're reading now bears very little resemblance to the original fairy and morality tales written in ancient Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. But, they're firm believers in that old adage about "spreading the gospel" so they try to shove it down our throats, little realizing they're doing more harm than good.

I knew the zealots would check in on this one! .

At least there are still a few rational people in this world. I think atheism is on the upswing though because I have noticed a trend of the younger generation claiming atheism. Otsego69 3 months ago .

Because God is real and God is in everything but many people miss him. Religion is not God...it is man made. Even Jesus hated religion.

They are not imposing anything. Just Jesus' name may bother someone who has no clue he is real. God is in everything we do...object...situation.

You may see it afterwards....

Just because a person says it is a fairy tale...it is just because they haven't witnessed the power...too bad. Don't lump all people together. God gives blessings...a person has free will...a choice if they want to connect with God.

I did not lump all people together. I said why do SOME people do this. SOME.

Otsego69 3 months ago .

They are not all the same religion or even if you use the word Christian it can mean many things. God is real...some day you may find out.

It is not a delusion... You are mistaken... God is what it is all about... I would not mock God.

It's a delusion. Here is the definition:(a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. ")There is ZERO evidence for the existence of "GOD".

Otsego69 3 months ago .

They don't. Usually people who hate religion say this if they happen to hear one person out of fifty mention religion. I'm sorry to shock you but in a free country people can talk about what they want too.

If you don't like what you hear just walk away or if in askville just ignore it instead of asking a question like this to make a mountain out of a molehill. All questions like this do is bring out all the expected people that hate anything about God or religion. You know, the tolerant ones.

It's just that they are highly religious and believe it's Gods way or NO way. I have no problem with being religious believing in God is great. The problem I have is a lot of people get to wraped up in their religion and it's ways,and tend to leave God sitting on the sideline .

And these religions,have some very strange views,and these views have all been put in these religions by MAN ,NOT GOD. From Muslims,to Catholics,lets get back to believing in GOD following his 10 commandments and leave religion on the side line NOT GOD. My opinion only.

I think you need to show a tad more tolerance for opinions that are different from your own. I can agree with you that religion gets to be too onesided and that such people fail to consider the billions of other people in the world who do not embrace their particular fundamental religious belief. So what to do?

I simply tell them that everyone is at a different level of understanding and we are all "on the path" and will meet in the end, which is spiritual Oneness. There's no point getting upset about it. If the devotees of any religion attempt to pressure you in any way, simply tell them we all must find LIGHT and LOVE each in our own way.

You can call it God if you wish, the words do not matter very much. A truly religious person will live the ideal life of patience, kindness, and compassion for one and all, and it is their example which will speak for them. You can teach silently too, you know.

The word "God" is not something to be allergic to since it is only a word. Try and delve into the subject and realize the Universal Intelligence that is everywhere, for "consciousness" is the only reality. God never made a religion.

God is LIFE.

May I modify that sentence above: "A truly religious person will live the ideal life ... " to, "A truly spiritual person will live the ideal life of patience, kindness, and compassion for one and all..." That is what I meant. Religion is what we are told to believe (i.e. , dogma & doctrines).

Spirituality is what we have realized within ourselves (unfolding the Spirit within our mind and heart).

Storically we seem to go through periods of rational thinking and then zealotry. We're in a kind of global period of zealotry right now. It's tiring I know.

Because some people's lives are infused with their beliefs. Granted some seem to be in the business of selling religion; but for others religion is as much in the forefront of their lives as a sports fan's favorite team.

Still trying to figure that out, myself! I guess they have nothing else in life.

Because our entire society and institutions are based on a belief in a G-d andit is impossibleto separate the two. Perhaps you should look at their answers differently. Perhaps there is something to learn.

Something to gain from someone who is different than you. Perhaps you can turn it into something positive and not feel that people are trying to convert you but just giving thier opinions.

Those that think they 'know' try to assert their own opinion in order to 'justify' a self-imposed ignorance of Law. Those who 'know' simply seek to 'guide' so when we trust only our own Inner Intuition we need not ask others, as H.P. Blavatsky said (listen to the 'Still Small Voice Within') 'Soul' Press on friend, your closer than you think. Blessings .

I agree with you! One of the joys of America is Freedom of Religion. It seriously bothers me when people start bible quoting to me or just straight-up pushing their religion onto me.

Whatever happened to "live and let live"? I have personally witnessed pushy Christians who are so judgmental it's disgusting. I prefer to be religion-less and treat others fairly.

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Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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