Why does Mitt Romney say that the Government doesn't create jobs, yet he wants Obama to create jobs?

Mitt's policies will lose more jobs. Republicans voted 13 times against considering Democratic efforts to prevent or discourage the shipping of American jobs overseas and to crack down on offshore tax havens; and in favor of pro-outsourcing measures. For the last decade, Republicans have fought to keep, and even expand, corporate tax loopholes that reward outsourcing of American jobs and hurt American families and the economy (fully detailed here).

President Obama noted in 2010, “Over the last four years alone, Republicans in the House voted 11 times to continue rewarding corporations that create jobs and profits overseas – a policy that costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year.” 10/16/10 http://www.democraticleader.gov/news/rep... Since taking control of the House in 2011, Republicans have voted: - For the GOP Job Outsourcers’ Bill of Rights that makes it easier for corporations to send American jobs overseas and weakens the rights of middle class workers, allowing employers to relocate their operations to punish employees for exercising their rights to organize, demand better benefits and safer working conditions, and ensure a full day’s pay for an honest day’s work. Vote 711, 9/15/11, AFL-CIO - Against the Democratic budget that rewards companies that choose to invest in or bring back jobs to America with a 20 percent tax credit, eliminates tax advantages for companies moving jobs overseas, as proposed by President Obama, and closes loopholes that allow businesses to avoid taxes by sheltering earnings in foreign tax havens.

Vote 150, 3/29/12 - Against considering the Bring Jobs Home Act – the President’s proposal to reward companies that choose to invest in or bring back jobs to America with a 20 percent tax credit, and to eliminate tax advantages for companies moving jobs overseas. The Record, Vote 456, 7/10/12 - Against stopping businesses that outsource American jobs from receiving a 20 percent business tax deduction. Times Republican, Vote 176, 4/19/12 - Against stopping companies that ship jobs overseas from taking advantage of the repeal of the medical device tax.

Vote 360, 6/7/12 - Against ending government contracts that reward corporations that ship American jobs overseas. Release, Vote 19, 1/25/11 - Against considering the U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act to help revitalize a U.S. call center industry that has lost over 500,000 jobs just in the past six years. The measure includes incentives to reduce outsourcing by requiring call centers to notify the Secretary of Labor at least 120 days before relocating outside of the U.S., and giving preference in contracts to employers who keep their call centers at home.

Paramus Post, Vote 381, 6/19/12.

He will not create government jobs like Obama did. He plans on creating a lot of jobs just drilling our own oil and gas. He is also going to cut out the crazy borrowing and spending the government is doing!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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