Without seeing your hair in person, I have an idea on what may be happening. I am guessing you may have dry or unruly hair to start with. You will need to use product prior to straightening your hair and after.
You can use a great serum. I personally prefer Sea Kelp Hair Serum by Rusk. You will shampoo and condition your hair.
Then towel dry. Apply a small amount of the serum to the wet hair. Straighten the hair, as normal.
Either use a flat iron or straighten with a blow dryer and brush. When done, you will take a small amount of the serum and run it through the hair evenly. Pay special attention to the ends.
This will not only give the hair some shine, but it seal the hair. Your hair will not get frizzy. Your style should stay perfect all day long.
The other thought that came to mind was that maybe your are not straightening your hair all the way. If you rush through, you can end up with frizzy hair when done. The next time you straighten the hair, take smaller sections.Do not rush to the nest section until the section you are working on is completely done.
Without seeing your hair in person, I have an idea on what may be happening. I am guessing you may have dry or unruly hair to start with. You will need to use product prior to straightening your hair and after.
You can use a great serum. I personally prefer Sea Kelp Hair Serum by Rusk. You will shampoo and condition your hair.
Then towel dry. Apply a small amount of the serum to the wet hair. Straighten the hair, as normal.
Either use a flat iron or straighten with a blow dryer and brush. When done, you will take a small amount of the serum and run it through the hair evenly. Pay special attention to the ends.
This will not only give the hair some shine, but it seal the hair. Your hair will not get frizzy. Your style should stay perfect all day long.
The other thought that came to mind was that maybe your are not straightening your hair all the way. If you rush through, you can end up with frizzy hair when done. The next time you straighten the hair, take smaller sections.
Do not rush to the nest section until the section you are working on is completely done.
I use it when I don't want my hair to get frizzy if I'm showering and not washing my hair. My hair is so thick and wavy when I straighten it I usually wash it every other day so this saves me some time of having to restraighen my hair cause it got damp and frizzy. Was this review helpful to you?
I got this in a gift with purchase and I'm suprised that I love it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.