Why does the GOP want to eliminate Wall Street Financial reforms and eliminate market safety regulations?

Yes, we should. New York Attorney General Schneiderman is doing good work in this area. He is leading the group of State Attorneys General who are refusing to sign the agreement absolving the banks of wrongdoing without completing their investigation, in spite of pressure from Geitner and Holder at the Federal level.

Other things that can be done: Constitutional Amendment declaring that corporations are not persons under the Constitution. This would distinguish between distinct entities created by operation of law, as opposed to partnerships that are legally just an extension of the partners. Corporations are a legal fiction created to allow people to take business risks they couldn't take themselves using a separate entity that is beholden only to profit.

That is great when the risks are appropriate and terrible when the risks are inappropriate, like when too many people are taking the same risk at once. If you want to conduct business in a partnership, you can have a great deal of freedom to do so, but you are personally liable for the actions of the partnership. If you want protection from liability, the government has the power to create an entity that will give you that protection, but that entity is created by the legislature and the legislature can place whatever restrictions on it they deem appropriate.

A Constitutional Amendment is VERY difficult to get. With the corporate power in the legislatures of the Federal government and many of the States, we would need to go the hardest route, State conventions. Each State has it's own rules governing such conventions and we would need to find 34 States in which we could get a convention to propose the amendment and then find 38 States to get conventions to ratify it once proposed.

That is a multi-year process, but even just getting the conventions started is very significant. I would like to see that added as the principal demand of the protests going on around the country, protest each State where such a convention could be established until we get enough pressure to get to establish those conventions. There are protests currently organized in all 50 States under the genera "Occupy" umbrella.

Most of them are minor, but a concerted one State (or 1 State in each region) at a time effort could turn each one into something significant and put serious pressure on the various convention mechanisms in each State. http://www.occupytogether.org/actions As an added incentive, these conventions aren't limited to proposing a single amendment. The conventions are called, then they all get together to propose one or more amendments.

They can propose amendments to meet a variety of demands from any number of groups. Most of them would not have enough support to come anywhere near passing. I think the one I suggest would.

Something similar to this has majority support from every group, even the Tea Party. That doesn't mean everyone would want to amend the Constitution, but I think enough people would.

We could have held them accountable by NOT bailing them out. I don't hear you talking about holding Obama and the Dems accountable for giving Wall Street those bail outs.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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